
analyse vt.1.分解;分析;解析。2.〔美國〕 = psych...


Analysing phenomena and causations of credit crisis 試析信用危機現象及其成因

Analyse theory of susan strange ' s structure power 斯特蘭奇的結構性權力論淺析

Analyse the nature of school - based curriculum development 校本課程開發的要義

Analysing the electronic commerce of business to business 淺析企業級電子商務

Summary of tlc factors for analysing ursolic acid 熊果酸成分薄層分析條件綜述

Analysing data and information using valid methods 應用有效的方法分析數據和信息。

Exploring and analysing legal liability in payment online 網上支付中的法律責任探析

Analyse the archivalprotection idea in ancient china 中國古代檔案保護思想探折

Research on analyse method of english papers quality 英語試卷質量分析方法研究

Analyse the influence of entering wto on china banking 對我國銀行業的影響分析

The jeneral analyse adout the art feelings of yishan ' s poems 簡析義山詩的藝術感覺

Analyse and explain peasant household ' s economic paradox 破解農戶經濟行為悖論

A lots of new data base systems are analysed 對一些新型的數據庫系統進行了分析。

Marshall run a analyse on the card you retrieved 馬歇爾對你拿到的接入卡進行了分析

Points that should be studied and analysed is as below 提出要研究和分析的問題。

Can you analyse construction of this sentence 你能給我分析一下這個句子的結構嗎?

The analyse about motor generator ' s breakdown in mines 煤礦井下電動機故障分析

Try to analyse the connotation of the subject consciousness 試析主體意識的內涵

Using insert function of excel analyse test quality 軟件插入函數功能分析測試質量