
analogy n.1.類比,相似 (between; to; with...

A “ barge analogy “ is incorrect for swimming 類似駁船的運動在游泳中是不正確的。

It would clearly be easy to form it by analogy with the “established church“ of england . 顯然,仿照英國的“EstablishedChurch”是不難造出這個詞來的。


Beyond that , the analogy is far from exact 除了這點之外,這比擬很不確切。

He offers an analogy to explain how it works 他用一個類比來解釋這個過程。

Oh nice . what is that , an analogy ? - a metaphor 這是什么?比喻嗎? -暗喻

Distent analogy : aesthetic and connotational judgment 試論修辭中的遠程比喻

So there are much analogy exists between them 二者有相似之處,可以類比。

This analogy is a great one , as far as it goes 就目前來說,這一模式都是極其成功的。

A comment on the analogy system in our country ' s criminal law 論我國刑法中的類推制度

Legal reasoning by analogy : its nature and difficult points 類比法律推理的性質與難題

Screw these analogies . what he ' s saying is . . 少來這套文縐縐的他說的意思是

The analysis and analogy of several routing protocols 常用路由協議分析及比較

It is not always reliable to argue by analogy 用類推法論證并不總是可靠的。

He drew this conclusion on the analogy of yours 他根據你的理論類推得出這個結論。

There is close relationship between analogy and metaphor 類比與隱喻有密切關系。

Analogies occur in fields besides cosmology 同樣的現象也發生在宇宙學之外的領域。

Now the blacksmith analogy is more powerful 現在打鐵匠的類比法更具有說服力。

Choose the right answer to finish the analogy above 選擇合適的答案完成以上推論

Therefore , we will give you another analogy 因此,我們將給你另一個相似的比擬。