
analogize vt.用類推法說明,類推,推論。vi.使用類推法作推理。


This article , in sequence of the three solutions to interregional legal conflicts , analyses the application of reservation of public order in the three stages : analogizing rules of private international law , enacting interregional conflict law respectively in every legal unit and enacting uniform interregional conflict law 本文立足于我國區際沖突法上的公共秩序保留制度,以解決區際沖突的3種方式為線索,依次分析了類推適用國際私法規則、各法域分別制定區際沖突法以及制定全國統一的區際沖突法這三個階段公共秩序保留制度的適用。

The crime punishment legal principle requires that criminal activity legislation should be authorized to formulate the law by the legal state agency ( the national people ' s congress and its standing committee in china ) , and the criminal law standard ( article ) should be clearly stated , forbid formulating afterwards method , forbid analogizing , forbid the brutal penalty 罪刑法定要求刑事立法要由有權制定法律的國家機關(在我國是全國人民代表大會及其常務委員會)來制定刑法,要求刑法規范(條文)明確,禁止制定事后法,禁止類推,禁止不均衡的、殘酷的刑罰。

Ellipse becomes a main research object . through the exploration of the relationship between geometric character of ellipse and ellipse architecture ' s complexity , i am trying to reach the conclusion which can be analogized to the general geometry and architecture , and to realize the value of architecture in realistic life 橢圓形成為了一個精心挑選的專注的研究對象,通過對橢圓的幾何特性與橢圓建筑的復雜性聯系的反復梳理,希望能得出較有針對性的,可以推及于一般的幾何形式與建筑的結論,為建筑的真正生活化而服務。

A japanese scholar analogizes it as the middle - field contest in a football game , who has the particularly preponderant supplier will win the competition , apparently the competitive advantage is n ' t what one enterprise could have , but a synthetic capability of the whole supply chain 引用日本一學者將其比喻為足球比賽中的中場爭奪戰,誰能擁有這些具有獨特優勢的供應商,誰就能贏得競爭優勢,顯然這種競爭優勢不是哪一個企業所具有的,而是整個供應鏈的綜合能力。

And this algorithms have been proved to be valid by computer analogize for two different model . after a detailed analysis of the glass furnace , put award a method of disassemble multivariable control : the upper levels use fuzzy supervise control , provide reference signal for lower level ; the lower level select and use a modified self - regulating fuzzy controller or a double closed - loop controller for time - sluggish system 在分析窯爐特性的基礎上,以溫度系統為例,根據其被控參數多、大滯后、非線性等特點,提出分層分區的智能控制策略:上層采用模糊監督控制器,為下層提供參考信息,下層根據控制要求及被控對象特性分別采用了一種改進的自校正控制算法和一種適合于滯后過程的雙環模糊控制器。

But when invoking , analogizing , or overlaying certain models , there are two points that we need to question : on the one hand we need to ask whether a certain experience or model can after all be applied to another country or situation given that innate historic backgrounds and politico - economic contexts differ 這種援引、類比或套用某種模式,必須面對兩種質疑:一方面因為有著先天上歷史背景與政經脈絡的差異,某一經驗或模式究竟能不能適用到另一個國家或情境?

With analogizing the evolution process of atomic transition from excited states to ground state , we proposed a novel non - linear optimization algorithm for geophysical inverse problem , called as simulated atomic transition algorithm ( sata ) 在此基礎上,模擬了物理學中原子從激發態向基態躍遷的物理過程,建立了一種與原子躍遷過程相對應的非線性隨機躍遷數學模型和模型解躍遷搜索準則,導出了適用于一般地球物理資料的模擬原子躍遷的非線性反演算法。

The mechanical properties on one - directional loading of two kinds of mixture ratio rpc materials with or without steel fiber and of hollow steel tubes were studied . three kinds of loading format were analogized and the working mechanism of rpc filled in steel tube short columns 應用優化配比后的活性粉末混凝土,試驗研究了摻與不摻鋼纖維兩種配合比rpc材料單軸抗壓性能并與普通高強混凝土相比較,試驗還研究了空鋼管的力學性能。

By analogizing the concept of particle collides in high - energy physics , we proposed the particle model of logic function , and constructed the particle collide arithmetic of logic function predigest according to this model , finally using vc + + 6 . 0 programming realized it 摘要類比高能物理中粒子碰撞的概念,提出了邏輯函數的粒子模型,根據此模型構造了化簡邏輯函數的粒子碰撞算法,并用vc + + 6 . 0編程實現。

By using transfer function , quantitative analysis , pattern analysis and reduced analysis of driving fatigue can be finished . based on automatic control theory , driving fatigue can be analogized as two parts : inertia link and proportion differential link 采用傳遞函數將駕駛疲勞定量化、簡約化、模式化,借用自控理論將駕駛疲勞類比為兩個過程:類慣性環節的響應過程及類比例微分環節的響應過程。

Thus , we on one hand should not simply analogize the chinese philosophy with the western philosophy , on the other hand , we should give attention to chinese philosophy ' s unique value and effect on building the universal philosophy of the human 強調中國義理之學的傳統特征,一方面是為了防止簡單地將義理之學比附西方哲學;另一方面也是強調義理之學在建構人類“普遍哲學”方面所體現的獨特價值和貢獻。

Promotion rule : every purchases hettich hinges ( sku : 509631 ) full 20 pes present 10 pes , full 40 pes present 20 pes , full 60pes present 30 pes , full 80 pes present 40pes , to this analogizes , above the condition does not bestow 促銷規則:凡壹次性購買海蒂詩鉸鏈( sku : 509631 )滿20只送10只,滿40只送20只,滿60只送30只,滿80只送40只,以此類推;不符以上條件均不贈送。

In tcm the five - element theory , as a theoretical tool , is used to explain and expound different kinds of medical problems by analogizing and deducing their properties and interrelations 中醫的五行理論,作為一種理論工具,通過分析和推理用于詳細說明五種不同醫學問題的性質和它們之間的關系。

The article tries , from the natural environment , customs , history , the analogized body mindset and value inclination , to analyze different aspects of english and chinese idioms 文章試從自然環境、風俗習慣、歷史、喻體取向、價值趨向等幾個方面探討英漢習語所折射的民族文化特征。

Secondly , the total resistance is studied directly . the relationship between total stream power and effective stream power is proposed by analogizing the method of engelund 二是直接研究河床總阻力,類比engelund的方法,建立了總水流功率與沙粒水流功率的關系。

Third , the paper briefly analogizes the system structure of the dvr1 . 0 ( digital video recorder ) and module partition , and summarizes each module ' s function 然后,論文簡要分析了dvr1 . 0系統結構并對其進行模塊劃分,概述了每一模塊的功能。

The test must work in a specify rotation spectrum , temperature spectrum and load spectrum to analogize the reality condition 實驗器要在一定的載荷譜、溫度譜、轉速譜條件下工作,模擬軸承的實際工況。

The organization of enterprise is considered as a complicated system analogized to an organic body 認為企業組織是人類行為系統,是可以和有機體相類比的復雜系統。

The support vector machine method for analogizing and forecasting groundwater data 地下水觀測數據擬合與預測的支持向量機方法