
analogic adj.1.類似的,相似的。2.類推的,對比的。adv....


Abstract : radiate thermometer uses a high definitive operation circuit in the modulation and linerization of weak optical signals . the theory of colorimetry was used in measuring the temperature . analogic channel and digital interfaces were added in order to expand the instrument . a kind of double channel ' s photocolorimeter including its hardware and software is introduced 文摘:輻射測溫計采用高精度運算電路,對光弱信號進行調制和線性化處理,運用比色法原理對溫度進行檢測.為了便于儀器擴展,增加了模擬量輸出和數字接口,并對光纖式雙通道比色高溫儀的硬件與軟件的關鍵部分作了簡要介紹

In designing analogic circuit , we adopt programmable filter max262 to meet the system ' s command . after the step , we can make the signal ' s frequency width is wider and noise level is lower . to make the signal ' s amplitude to meet the analogic to digital device ' s command , we adopt the max551 to finish the gain control 在模擬電路部分,采用可編程濾波器max262 ,這樣就滿足了該數據采集裝置所采集的信號的頻率范圍較寬以及具有較低的噪聲水平的要求,為了使采樣到的信號的幅度滿足后面a d轉換器的要求,采用max551對采樣到的信號進行調理(增益控制) 。

Because of no limitation to task granularity , ppa is especially suitable for scheduling fine granularity tasks ( also suitable for coarse and medium tasks of course ) , consequently helpful theoretically and practically for studying task schedule algorithm for rtdcs . according to the principle of fault - tolerant scheduling , combined with characteristics of tft in rtdcs , the paper puts forward the scheduling model of tft , corresponding implementation mechanism and the dynamic fault - tolerant scheduling algorithm ( namely ftpb ) and analyzes its complexity , with experimental data and contrast table compared with other analogic algorithm 結合實時分布系統中容錯任務的特點,根據容錯調度原理,給出了容錯任務的調度模型、實現機制及動態容錯調度算法ftpb ,并對算法進行了復雜哈爾濱工程大學博士學位論文; ; ; ; ;二; ; ; ;奮石石奮; ;性分析,給出了算法實驗數據及與其它同類算法的比較結果。

On the basis of analogic methodology , the deep gas resources of the basin is evaluated as 1116 . 144 billion cubic meters , which is mainly distributed in the zones of xujiaweizi , miaotaizi , changling , yingshan , and gulong 根據松遼盆地深層天然氣區帶地質評價參數取值標準,進行區帶地質評價,并通過與刻度區類比,得出深層天然氣資源量為11161 . 44 10 ^ 8立方公尺,主要分布在徐家圍子、廟臺子、長嶺、鶯山、古龍等區帶中。

The human brain is not only digital and analogic , but it also has a built - in system of values which gives it a componentially incalculable advantage over machines 人的大腦不僅具有數字功能和模擬功能,而且還有內存價值系統,這個系統在語言成分分析上比起計算機有著不可估量的優勢。

This analogic mode is for compatibility with some existing equipments only , and is not recommended for new equipments 這種類比模式僅為一些已有設備兼容,不被新的設備采用。

An analogic research on allocation of distribution center of retail e - business enterprise 零售型電子商務企業配送中心選址模擬研究