
analgesia n.【醫學】1.痛覺缺失。2.無痛法,止痛法。


Investigation of analgesia artificial abortion using disoprofol combined with mifepristone 人工流產術中不同鎮痛方法效果的比較

Interventional effect of preemptive analgesia on headache after operation on nasal cavity 超前鎮痛對鼻腔手術后頭痛的干預效應

Observention the effect of analgesia after cholecyst resection by diclofenac sodium 雙氯芬酸鈉用于膽囊切除術后鎮痛的效果觀察

Combination of hans and diazepam for labor analgesia , a basic and clinical study 儀與安定聯合應用于分娩鎮痛的基礎和臨床研究

Rhinitis capsules ' antiinflammation analgesia and acute toxicity experimental study 鼻炎膠囊的抗炎止痛及急性毒性實驗研究

Sedation and analgesia episodes in the emergency department without asa classification 接受鎮靜及止痛前之評值未分asa等級

Sedation and analgesia episodes in the intensive care unit without asa classification 接受鎮靜及止痛前之評值未分asa等級

Experimental study on the anti - inflammation , analgesia and spasmolysis by yangganlidan granule 消腫膏抗炎鎮痛藥效學研究

The study on postcesarean analgesia by epidural injection of buprenophine 鹽酸丁丙諾啡用于剖宮產術后靜脈鎮痛的臨床觀察

Sedation and analgesia episodes in the cardiac cath lab without asa classification 接受鎮靜及止痛前之評值未分asa等級

Clinical observation of self - control extradural analgesia in postcesarean women 剖宮產術后自控硬膜外鎮痛臨床效果觀察

Sedation and analgesia episodes in the endoscopy suite without asa classification 接受鎮靜及止痛前之評值未分asa等級

Sedation and analgesia episodes in the radiology suite without asa classification 接受鎮靜及止痛前之評值未分asa等級

Observing the analgesia effect of diclofenacsodium in the artificial abortion 雙氯滅痛在人工流產術中的鎮痛作用觀察

Effect of patient - cantrolled analgesia on refractory terminal cancer 病人自控鎮痛用于頑固性晚期癌痛治療的臨床觀察

The effect of analgesia in phacoemulsification under topical anesthesia 表面麻醉下白內障超聲乳化手術中的鎮痛效果

Studies on the anti - inflammatory and analgesia effects of the indolacin liniment 吲哚拉新搽劑的抗炎鎮痛作用研究

Pharmacology study on the antiinflammation and analgesia of liaoge wang tablet 了哥王片抗炎消腫及鎮痛作用研究

Experimental study on anti - inflmmatory and analgesia effects of biqi capsule 痹祺膠囊抗炎鎮痛作用的實驗研究