
analects n.pl. 文選,選集,言論集。 the A- of C...

He required his students to “ be a scholar after the style of the gentleman and not that of the flunky “ ( piece of yongye , the analects ) 他要求學生“為君子儒,勿為小人儒(要做道德品質優秀的君子式的儒者,不要做道德品質惡劣的、小人式的儒者) “ ( 《論語?雍也篇》 ) 。

Analyze the status of logic of “ learning “ in “ the analects “ help to roundly expound immanent logic and modern value of “ the analects “ 分析“學”在《論語》中的邏輯地位有助于全面闡發《論語》的內在邏輯和現代價值。

It might be beyond the ability of many to read through the magnum opus “ lunyu “ or “ analects of confucius “ from cover to cover 對于許多人來講從頭到尾讀懂《論語》已經是十分困難了。

The “ rite “ and “ benevolence “ in the analects is the relationship between external standard and inner consciousness 摘要《論語》中禮與仁的關系是外部規范與內心自覺之間的關系。

“ benevolence “ in the analects in the basis on which research of confucian benevolence is conducted 摘要《論語》中的“仁” ,是研究孔子仁學的基本素材。

“ learning “ has relative unattached value in “ the analects “ 摘要“學”在《論語》中具有相對獨立的價值。


With a recent book and television series on the analects , the best - known collection of the sage ' s musings , yu dan has tried to make the teachings accessible to ordinary chinese 近來,圍繞孔子最著名的思想錄《論語》 ,于丹撰寫了一本書并錄制了一些列電視節目,試圖讓這位圣賢的教導能為中國大眾所理解。

In the period between october of 1932 and 1934 , lin yutang partaked in launching and editing analects which was the first magazine initiating humor style in china 1932年10月至1934年春林語堂參與創辦并主編《論語》 。 《論語》是中國第一份倡導幽默風格的雜志,一誕生便產生了廣泛的社會影響。

Second , she has even openly clarified that her shows and the books are a product of her personal reflections on the analects ? not some groundbreaking scholarly exposition 第二,她已經公開闡明了她的節目和書籍是她對《論語》個人觀點的產物? ?而不是什么有根有據的學術講解。

He required his students to “ be a scholar after the style of the gentleman and not that of the flunky “ ( piece of yongye , the analects ) 他要求學生“為君子儒,勿為小人儒(要做道德品質優秀的君子式的儒者,不要做道德品質惡劣的、小人式的儒者) “ ( 《論語?雍也篇》 ) 。

The extremely mild flavor of confucius ' own sayings in the analects and his mature wisdom cannot be appreciated until one becomes mature himself 孔子在《論語》中的訓言的沖淡溫和的味道,以及他的成熟的智慧,非到讀者自己成熟的時候是不能欣賞的。

Lu xun and other leftist literary and art workers ' attacks on lin ' s humor and the analects ( a journal started by lin yutang ) are obviously biased 魯迅與左冀文藝工作者對林語堂的幽默觀及其《論語》的批判,有明顯的片面性。

Quian mu makes a claim that confucius and analects are the source of the academic paradigm and personality of the cultivation of confucian school 錢穆認為《論語》與孔子正是揭示一個完整的儒家學術原型與人格成德的典范。

Analyze the status of logic of “ learning “ in “ the analects “ help to roundly expound immanent logic and modern value of “ the analects “ 分析“學”在《論語》中的邏輯地位有助于全面闡發《論語》的內在邏輯和現代價值。

Quian mu ' s reflection of academic research and method can mainly be shown in the field of the study of the confucius and analects 摘要錢穆對儒家學術思想特性的反省主要可以反應在他對孔子與《論語》的治學方法上。

Chinese philosopher whose analects contain a collection of his sayings and dialogues compiled by disciples after his death 孔子:中國哲學家,其著作論語包含了他生前的學說和他死后由其門徒編纂而成的言論

The analects of confucius , which came from your wisdom and practice of teaching , laid down for you the throne of educator and thinker 一部《論語》 ,奠定了教育家和思想家的寶座,來自教育實踐的智慧。

In universities , sun tzu s the art of war and confucius analects are required reading in philosophy and politics classes 在大學, 《孫子兵法》和孔子《論語》是哲學和政治課的必讀書籍。

Lin yutang was a main founder of “ the analects party magazine ” , which attracted quite a large number of readers 他是論語派期刊的重要創始人,他所創辦的期刊在當時曾擁有廣大的讀者群。