
anal adj.肛門的,直腸的;【昆】臀的,尾端的。

anal fistula

She ' s anal in that aspect 她在這方面很挑剔

We ' ve got the severe anal discharge , sometimes violent - a . k . a . diarrhea 我們倆最近拉肚子有時還會伴有很嚴重的腹瀉

Fucking anal pirate fags 私闖他人領地的小白!

Lewis is this anal , uptight geek who has my sister under some spell 劉易斯有潔癖,保守的人受制于我姐姐的魅力

Goo girls grand theft anal 摔角女人拳腳相見432

Journal of colorectal anal surgery 結直腸肛門外科

Constipation can cause abdominal discomfort or pain , piles and anal fissure 便秘能引致腹痛、痔瘡、肛裂等。

3 . discourage children from sucking fingers or scratching anal area 3 .勸諭小童不要吮吸手指或搔抓肛門范圍。

Internal external anal sphincter m 肛門內外括約肌

Yeah , what , your anal intruder 你用什么東西戳屁眼?

Maybe man - su is too anal 也許是曼書對事情要求太過份了

Constipation can cause abdominal discomfort or pain , piles and anal fissure 便秘能引致腹痛痔瘡肛裂等。

Journal of colorectal amp; anal surgery 結直腸肛門外科

Costa rican prison - - that ' s some hard - core anal action , man 哥斯達黎加監獄- -那可是真正的后庭啊,哥們兒

Boy , talk about anal - retentive . this girl is a cuckoo bird 天哪,這個女孩簡直有潔癖就像一只愛干凈的鳥

Costa rican prison - that ' s some hard - core anal action , man Costa rican監獄-一定是干了什么大事,老兄

Club anal coochies under fire 集體淫亂男性上女性下1159

Cases of anal eczema treated with external used traditional chinese herb 中藥外用治療肛門濕疹80例80

Nursing for 50 patients after recto - anal fistula operation 淺談心理護理與惡性腫瘤病人生存質量的關系