
anagram n.1.顛倒字母而成的詞句〔如 emit 作 mite,...


Cat sits on shore , looking out toward horizon ; written in sky is “ star , ” below , on water , “ rats , ” a reflective anagram of the first order on “ star 這個也太抽象了,哪看出誰是“星星” ,誰是“老鼠” 。大概是在諷刺明星,竟然還使用了字母,沒有解釋絕對看不懂。

You can determine whether words are anagrams of each other or find all the anagrams to a particular word ,您可以判斷各個單詞相互之間是不是變位詞,或者找到指定單詞的所有變位詞。

Gives you all the anagrams of a word or phrase , which can be very useful for word game applications 可以給出單詞或短語的所有變位形式,對于文字游戲應用程序來說會非常有用。

An anagram is a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase 變位詞是通過重新排列單詞或短語的字母而得到的單詞或短語。

This class also implements the algorithms to get anagrams of the words 這個類還實現了得到單詞的變位詞的算法。

What anagrams had he made on his name in youth 少年時代,他根據自己的姓名編過哪些字謎?

The writers often put their results in ciphers or anagrams . 寫信人常常把成果寫成密碼或者搞成字謎。

Let's play anagrams . 我們來玩字謎游戲。