
anaesthetist n.麻醉醫師。

“ only after the anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic , could the operation be conducted . “只有在麻醉師給病人施行麻醉以后,手術才能進行。


The performance of a liver separation followed by two simultaneous transplants requires the mobilisation of a significant amount of manpower resources , which include a minimum of two teams of transplant surgeons , anaesthetists , nurses and other professionals , the use of three operation theatres and a whole host of medical equipment 進行該項先進手術需動員大量人手,包括最少兩隊肝臟移植專家、麻醉科醫生、護士,以及其他專科人手,以及同時使用三個手術室和多種醫療器材,并需要客觀環境配合,例如沒有其他病人有緊急臨床需要,才可以順利進行。

In 1995 , a scottish anaesthetist was convicted in zimbabwe of the deaths of two infant whom he had injected with lethal doses of morphine 1995年,一名蘇格蘭麻醉師由于給兩名嬰兒注射了致命劑量的嗎啡而在津巴布韋被判有罪。

The “ shock sheet ” , invented by a british anaesthetist , squeezes blood from the legs , boosting blood flow to the heart and brain “休克毯”通過擠壓病人腿部,推動血液向身體上部流動,到達心臟和腦部。

The shock sheet , invented by a british anaesthetist , squeezes blood from the legs , boosting blood flow to the heart and brain “休克毯”通過擠壓病人腿部,推動血液向身體上部流動,到達心臟和腦部。

Specification for hospital trolleys for instruments , dressings and for anaesthetists ' use including angular trolleys 儀器敷料及麻醉師用醫院手推車

“ only after the anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic , could the operation be conducted . “只有在麻醉師給病人施行麻醉以后,手術才能進行。

Specification for general purpose stools and anaesthetists ' chairs for hospital use 醫院一般用途凳子和麻醉師用椅子規范