
anaesthetic adj.麻醉的。n.麻醉藥[劑]。


Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - conical connectors - part 1 : cones and sockets 麻醉和呼吸設備.錐形接頭.第1部分:錐體和錐套

Medical gas pipeline systems - terminal units for anaesthetic gas scavenging systems 醫療氣體管道系統.麻醉氣體凈化系統的端部設備

3 lidocaine hydrochloride mucilage is a kind of lubricant and surface anaesthetic 鹽酸利多卡因膠漿是一種潤滑劑及表面麻醉劑。

Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - conical connectors - part 1 : cones and sockets 麻醉和呼吸設備.圓錐接頭.第1部分:錐頭與錐套

That anaesthetic gas - 那支麻醉劑

Breathing system filters for anaesthetic and respiratory use - non - filtration aspects 麻醉和呼吸用呼吸系統過濾器.非過濾狀態

Specifications for continuous flow inhalational anaesthetic machines for use with humans 人用持續氣流吸入式麻醉機技術要求

Iso 5361 , anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - tracheal tubes and connectors Iso 5361 ,麻醉和呼吸設備.氣管導管和連接件

Anaesthetic reservoir bags 麻醉劑儲存袋

He is under anaesthetic 他處于麻醉狀態

Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - tracheostomy tubes - paediatric tubes 麻醉和呼吸設備.氣管造口術用管.兒科用管

Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - conical connectors - cones and sockets 麻醉和呼吸設備.圓錐形接頭.錐體和錐套

Connections for gas sampling tubes to anaesthetic and respiratory equipment 麻醉和呼吸設備的氣體取樣管用連接件

Cocaine is a anaesthetic 可卡因是一種麻醉藥品。

Breathing tubes intended for use with anaesthetic apparatus and ventilators 與麻醉儀器和通風機一起使用的呼吸管

Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - laryngoscopes for tracheal intubation 麻醉和呼吸設備.氣管插管術用喉鏡

Connections for gas sampling tubes to anaesthetic and respiratory equipment 麻醉和呼吸設備用氣體取樣管的連接

We ' ll have to use a local anaesthetic so we can see how he ' s feeling 我們得做個局部麻醉來觀察一下他的情況

You are going to have a local anaesthetic so you won ' t feel anything 你要進行局部麻醉,不會感到疼痛的。