
anaemic adj.貧血(癥)的(= anemic)。


Defecate frequency of the patient and property all may be changed , the likelihood has rare , mucous blood , or constipation and diarrhoea appear alternately , if patient companion has lack of power , anaemic , angular , should consider large intestine cancerous possibility , must have corresponding examination 病人的大便次數與性質均可能改變,可能有稀便、粘液血便,或者便秘與腹瀉交替出現,假如病人伴有乏力、貧血、消瘦,應該考慮大腸癌的可能性,必須進行相應的檢查。

This kind of anaemic characteristic is iron of keep in storage of the lack in organ of marrow , liver , lienal etc , organization , serum iron chroma and serum iron degree of saturation all low , the red blood cell in blood of the loop in typical case presents pigment the expression with low , small cell 這種貧血的特點是骨髓、肝、脾及其他器官、組織中缺乏貯存鐵,血清鐵濃度和血清鐵飽和度均低,在典型的病例中循環血液中的紅細胞呈現色素低、細胞小的表現。

Additional , the child still drinks bright milk to had been compared , anaemic word , the supermarket has liver mud to sell , the point is increased to him when having a meal , or boil bit of red jujube congee to him , boil red jujube to also go directly 另外,孩子還是喝鮮牛奶比較好,貧血的話,超市有肝泥賣,吃飯時給他加點,或給他煮點紅棗稀飯,直接煮紅棗也行。

This could be difficult : after almost five years of plunging prices and anaemic demand , estate agents admit they avoid asking detailed questions about mainland customers ' business for fear of scaring them off 但做到這一點尚有難度,因為五年來,香港的地價一直在跌,樓市需求不旺,地產代理商承認他們不會過問大陸客戶生意方面的細節問題,以免把他們嚇跑。

Develop as the illness , because cancerous swollen canker , exsanguine , infection , toxin is sucked , close etc , the patient can appear the systemic symptom such as anaemic , angular , lack of power , low heat 隨著病情發展,由于癌腫潰爛、失血、感染、毒素吸收等,病人可出現貧血、消瘦、乏力、低熱等全身癥狀。

In recent years , research has suggested that transfusion is not necessarily a good thing for patients suffering from serious injuries , for those who have undergone surgery and even for those who are anaemic 最近幾年的研究表明,對于嚴重受傷的、做過手術的、患貧血癥的病人而言,輸血不一定就好。

In recent years , research has suggested that transfusion is not necessarily a good thing for patients suffering from serious injuries , for those who have undergone surgery and even for those who are anaemic 近些年來,已經有研究指出輸血對外科重傷并非一件很必要的好事,甚至對貧血也不是。

Containing angelica essence , it penetrates into the body in order to strengthen it , activating channels , moisturizes intestines and enriching blood , especially loved by the weak and anaemic ladies 當歸藥料加入湯泉藥力由外向內滲透,強身健體,活絡筋脈、潤腸,補血尤為貧血體弱的婦女衷愛。

Containing angelica essence for penetration into your body , it can strengthen body , activate channels , moisture intestines and enrich blood , especially loved by weak and anaemic ladies 當歸藥料加入湯泉藥力由外向內滲透,強身健體,活絡筋脈、潤腸,補血尤為貧血體弱的婦女衷愛。

If shevchenko and particularly ballack played important parts here , following anaemic displays down the road on sunday , there had also been a seismic change on the bench 在周日貧瘠的表現之后,舍瓦,特別是巴拉克在這里表現出的重要作用也會在板凳上引起一次地震。

Unlike in the 1990s , a decade dominated by anaemic growth , this revival has not been snuffed out by policy errors or external shocks 20世紀90年代這10年,日本經濟增長乏力,但與那時不一樣的是,這次復蘇沒有被政策錯誤或外部沖擊所扼殺。

Skin of special hand ministry , particularly yellow , oneself also are not anaemic , be how to return a responsibility ? what should eat to recuperate 非凡手部皮膚,非凡黃,本人也不是貧血,是怎么回事啊?要吃些什么調理呢?

Hookworms are 1 cm long , round and curved . they inhabit the human intestine sucking the host s blood , causing the host to become anaemic 蟲-蟲長1厘米,呈圓曲形,寄生在人體的腸道內吮取血,引致貧血。

Their hair was but half attended to , their ears anaemic in hue , and their shoes broken in leather and run down at heel and toe 他們的頭發不大梳理,耳朵缺少血色,皮鞋已經穿破,前露腳趾,后露腳跟。

No longer need politicians censor terms like virtue and vice , funding only anaemic values programmes in schools 我們再也不需要聽政客們說:什么美德和惡習,還是去資助學校的貧血項目更有價值。

In short , brissenden struck martin as anaemic and feather - brained , and was promptly dismissed from his mind 簡單地說,布里森登給馬丁的印象是貧血,沒有頭腦,而且馬上就把他忘掉了。

Of angelica fight anaemic action , what the likelihood contains ? of b12 of nicotinic acid , vitamin to wait with its about 當歸的抗貧血作用,可能與其所含煙酸、維生素b12 ?等有關。

India ' s anaemic 0 . 8 per cent share of world trade is a fifth that of neighbouring china 印度目前只占世界貿易份額的區區0 . 8 % ,為鄰國中國所占份額的五分之一。

Despite its anaemic condition , most visitors to san jose at least know where downtown is 盡管并不盡如人意,到圣何塞的游客至少還能找到市中心在哪。