
anaemia n.【醫學】貧血癥(= anemia)。

“ for their discoveries concerning liver therapy in cases of anaemia 發現治療貧血的肝臟療法


Iron is closely linked with human nutrition and health . iron deficiency would result in many diseases , such as anaemia , runtishness , immunomechanism damage , nerve malpractice 鐵與人類的營養和健康息息相關,缺鐵會引起貧血、發育不良、免疫機制受損、神經失態等疾病。

The intolerance of coldness is mainly caused by maladjustment of nerve , bad circulation of nerve ending , anaemia , bruise , gastroptosis , and function decreases of hypothyroid 畏寒癥的病人大都由植物神經失調,末稍循環不好貧血瘀血胃下垂甲狀腺功能減低等引起的。

It will be a precious chinese traditional medicine after dried . with its special function in medically , dried longan is an advanced tonic for anaemia or week nerve 藥,即有補心益脾,養血安神之效,可作為醫療病后虛弱貧血萎黃神經衰弱產后血虧等癥的高級補品。

Dried shrimp rich in minerals such as calcium , phosphorus and iron , which enhances healthy growth of bone and teeth , facilitates metabolism and prevents anaemia 蝦米含豐富的鈣、磷、鐵等礦物質。可促進骨骼、牙齒生長和發育,加強人體新陳代謝功能,預防貧血。

If a great number of parasites are present , they can result in more severe complications , e . g . intestinal obstruction , anaemia , obstruction and inflammation of bile ducts 如患者體內有大量寄生蟲,可導致較嚴重的并發癥,例如腸道阻塞貧血膽管阻塞及發炎。

Do you have any infectious diseases that can affect your babies causing blindness , deafness , or severe anaemia that require long term blood transfusion 你的血型因子跟伴侶夾得來嗎你是否患有傳染病會影響下一代,導致失明、失聰、甚或嚴重貧血需要長期輸血

Lead toxicity leads to anaemia , kidney failure , adverse effects on the nervous system , digestive system and circulatory system or even death 鉛的中毒徵狀包括貧血、腎功能衰竭、神經系統、消化系統及血液循環系統的損害甚至死亡。

Anaemia affects up to 95 percent of cancer patients receiing chemotherapy . it can deelop as a result of the cancer itself or as a consequence of its treatment 貧血影響了95 %癌癥病人接受化療。貧血可以因為癌癥本身或者化療加重。

Complications include anaemia , liver and kidney failure , seizures , mental confusion , coma , and death if the disease is not treated promptly 并發癥包括貧血肝臟及腎臟衰竭痙攣神志不清及昏迷,如未能及早醫治,可引致死亡。

Some ladies would also like to check if they have acquired the immunity against rubella , or if they have inherited some forms of anaemia 此外,一些女性可能要求測試體內是否有德國麻疹抗體或有否從父母基因得了貧血病。

As long as no diagnosis of iron - deficiency anaemia is made by a doctor , then no iron supplements for infants who are breastfed are needed 如果母乳寶寶沒有被診斷為缺鐵性貧血,則不需要給母乳寶寶補鐵。

Animal health analysis methods - detection of antibodies against equine infectious anaemia by the agar gel immunodiffusion test 動物健康分析方法.用瓊脂凝膠免疫擴散試驗檢測馬的感染性貧血抗體

The product is also used for hepatopathy anaemia , poisoning , sweeny , poliomyelitis , and psychopathy 伴有膽汁分泌減少的肝病、貧血、中毒、肌萎縮癥、脊髓灰質炎后遺癥、神經及精神病。

Note : anaemia is not always caused by iron deficiency - lead poisoning and thalassaemia can also produce anaemia 注意:貧血并不總是由缺鐵引起,鉛中毒和地中海貧血癥也會導致貧血。

According to the blood test , you are suffering from an iron deficiency anaemia , probably due to your heavy periods 根據血液檢查,說明你得的是缺鐵性貧血,可能和你的月經過多有關。

In some cases , the disease can cause anaemia and affect the liver , kidneys , lungs , and other internal organs 在部份個案,這疾病能引致貧血癥及影響肝腎肺及其他內臟。

Red meat and liver are rich in iron which is essential for the production of haemoglobin and prevention of anaemia 紅肉及肝類含豐富鐵質,有助制造血紅素,預防貧血。

It may also cause severe anaemia in patients with low immunity e . g . aids and leukaemia 該種病毒亦可能引致免疫力低的患者例如:愛滋病及白血病患者出現嚴重貧血。