
anaconda n.【動物;動物學】(南美產的)蟒蛇。


Lopez was named one of people magazine ' s fifty most beautiful people for 1997 , and her first post selena project , anaconda , was the film that finally knocked jim carrey ' s liar liar out of its holding pattern at the top spot in the spring box office rankings 洛佩茲被《人物》雜志命名為1997年最有魅力的50人之一;她繼《塞萊娜》后的新作《阿納康達》 ,最終將吉姆?凱瑞的《說謊者》擠出其霸占已久的春季票房排行榜首位。

In both anaconda ' s rca and xlr connectors , the connection pieces are all made with fpc copper , a continuously cast copper with seriously better performance than even the highest copper content brass 在“紅蟒蛇”的rca與xlr連接頭,這些連接頭均是由fpc銅材制成,它是一種無間斷鑄造而成的銅,它的表現比包括黃銅在內之所有高級銅更為杰出。

But they aren t ordinary . . . the blood orchid made the anacondas longer , faster , and smarter . now the scientists must find a way out of the rainforest by outsmarting , outrunning and outliving the anacondas 就算發現亦不能輕易帶走,因為森林里住著嚇人的巨蟒,它們神出鬼沒,殺人于無形,生存的唯一目的是保護血蘭,阻止擅闖的不速客!

In hydroseeding , my main responsibility is to guide 200 feet of heavy , serpentine hose while the boss sprays the slime . but there ' s more to my job than wrestling the anaconda 在播種的時候,我的主要工作是在老板向地上噴灑種子和黏膠混合物的時候,拖著200英尺長的沉重的蛇形管。但是我的工作可不僅僅是拖著一條像蟒蛇一樣的管子。

We look around , and see the majesty of the animal world around us , and set up agencies , ask for donations to research the anacondas in venezuela , the koalas in australia , or the stray dogs of eastern europe 我們看看周圍,看到我們周圍的動物王國,建立機構,申請基金來研究委內瑞拉的水蟒、澳大利亞的樹袋熊、或東歐的流浪狗。

And often we had to wield a machete to cut away the foliage ? once surprising a giant green anaconda and another time exposing the footprints of a jaguar 而且我們常常得揮著中南美原住民的大砍刀斬除枝葉,有一次驚嚇到一條綠色巨蟒,另一次則發現了美洲豹的腳印。

Under the water in the river , unseen , are anacondas - - which are reputed to take a few village toddlers every year - - and water boas , crocodiles , and sweet - meated fish 水下潛伏著南美蟒蛇據說每年都要吞吃幾名村童還有水蟒、鱷魚,以及肉質鮮美的魚類。

Anacondas live in swamps , marshes , and slow - moving streams , mainly in the tropical rain forests of the amazon and orinoco basins 它們生活在沼澤,濕地和水流緩慢的溪流中,主要分布在亞馬遜熱帶叢林和奧里諾科河盆地。

Paul : how about to my editor , the old curmudgeon ? excuse me . he took me off the anaconda story . i ' m a reporter at the bee 保羅:為我的編輯干杯,那個守財奴。他扔掉我阿納康達的故事。我是個濕襪子記者。

Anacondas are nonvenomous constrictors , coiling their muscular bodies around captured prey and squeezing until the animal asphyxiates 它們沒有毒,捕獵時用發達的身軀纏繞住獵物一直勒到窒息。

Finally , the anaconda distribution list is updated to reflect the new rpms pulled down from the update mirror site 最后,長長的發行列表根據從更新鏡像站點上得到的新rpm軟件包完成更新。

But what they find inhabiting the rainforest of borneo are a group of anacondas 但血蘭每七年才會盛開兩周,而且生長于陰森環境,所以不容易發現。

Anacondas : the hunt for the blood 搜尋血蘭

I don ' t see why i got to go out with mandingo and his anaconda 我不理解為什么我與曼丁果人和他的森蚺談上戀愛了

He ' ll kill you . you ' ll end up writing about killer anacondas 他會殺了你的那你最后就得寫一個殺手的報道了

But there ' s more to my job than wrestling the anaconda 但是我的工作可不僅僅是拖著一條像蟒蛇一樣的管子。

I thought you said that anaconda was the biggest you ' d ever seen 你說過那是你看過最大條的大蟒蛇

What the hell was that thing ? ! - anaconda 那是什么鬼玩意? -森蚺

- what the hell was that thing ? ! - anaconda -那是什么鬼玩意? -森蚺