
anaclitic adj.1.依靠的,依賴的。2.【心理學】情感依附的。


The formation of baby ' s anaclitic sense has a fundamental function for the healthy development of an individual ' s feelings , among which the nurses ' concern is of particularly important significance to the formation of a baby ' s sense of attachment safety , and can make a baby produce positive sensation and intimate feelings 嬰兒依戀感的形成對個體情感的健康發展具有奠基性的作用,其中照料者的關注對形成嬰兒的依戀安全感具有特別重要的意義,常常能使嬰兒產生積極的感覺和親密的感情。

This article studies the formation of baby ' s anaclitic sense and the nurse ' s status of mind , so as to provide some operational examples for the building of a new pattern of baby ' s cultivation 本文就嬰兒依戀感形成和撫育者的心態等問題作一研究,為建立嬰兒培育新模式提供某些操作性的實例。

Anaclitic object choice 依戀物體選擇