
anachronism n.1.時代錯誤,弄錯年代。2.與時代不合的事物。短語和...

“ that the kikuyu , who were here before the kenyans , leave for a new world , “ i answered . “ for we , too , are an anachronism that no longer belongs here . “我是說,我們吉庫尤人,早在肯尼亞人之前就來到了這里,現在要前去一個新的世界。 ”我回答說, “對于我們這些人,也是一樣,我們都已經過時了,也不該屬于這兒了。 ”

The picture is titled “ anachronism “ because zed is from a very technologically advanced society 我把畫命名為不合時期因為這個人物是從一個科技先進的社會而來的。


We may wonder whether at the acme and summit of the human progress these anachronisms will be corrected by a finer intuition , a closer interaction of the social machinery than that which now jolts us round and along ; but such completeness is not to be prophesied , or even conceived as possible 也許我們渴望知道,當人類的進步到達完美的頂點時,人類的直覺更加敏銳了,把我們顛來倒去的社會機器配合得更加緊密了,在那個時候,時代的錯誤會不會得到改正不過這種完美現在是無法預言的,甚至也是不可能想象出來的。

Consider the casual assumptions that television tends to cultivate : that complexity must be avoided , that visual stimulation is a substitute for thought , that verbal precision is an anachronism 想一想電視要達到的那些極不慎重的原則吧:必須避免復雜性,用視覺刺激來代替思考,語言的精確早已是不合時宜的要求。

“ that the kikuyu , who were here before the kenyans , leave for a new world , “ i answered . “ for we , too , are an anachronism that no longer belongs here . “我是說,我們吉庫尤人,早在肯尼亞人之前就來到了這里,現在要前去一個新的世界。 ”我回答說, “對于我們這些人,也是一樣,我們都已經過時了,也不該屬于這兒了。 ”

Her face was falling loose , but her eyes were calm , and there was something strong in her that made it seem she was not old ; merely her wrinkles and loose cheeks were an anachronism 她的臉上的皮肉雖然松弛了,可是依然神色鎮定,身上有種堅強的氣質,所以她看上去不見老,只有皺紋和松弛的面頰顯示出歲月的過失。

Consider the casual assumptions that television tends to cultivate : that complexity must be avoided , that visual stimulation is a substitute for thought , that verbal precision is an anachronism 想?想電視要培養的那些極不慎重的看法吧:必須避免復雜性,視覺刺激可代替思考,語言的精確早已是不合時宜的要求。

This something ? which is etymologically an adventure ? is of an infinitesimal order : it is an incongruity of clothing , an anachronism of culture , a freedom of behavior , an illogicality of itinerary , etc 這些事情極其細微不足道,追本溯源起來卻都是驚險之旅,例如奇裝異服、古今雜陳、放誕行徑、任意漫游等等。

It is the fittest sum - up of his law thoughts that he used to summarize chinese culture ? “ the culture is precocious , and the reason is pre - unsealed . ” hesternal anachronism is today ’ s very opportunity 用梁漱溟為中國文化作結的“文化早熟、理性早啟”八個字來對他的法治思想作結是再合適不過了。

Some people say that marriage is an anachronism in 2002 , but i still like the romantic ideal of being with one person for the rest of my life 有人說結婚是2002年落伍的東西,不過我還是喜歡和一個人共度余生的浪漫觀念。

He realized that the film about cavemen contained an anachronism when he saw a jet cut across the horizon during a hunting scene 他發現一場關于穴居人的電影中的一個錯誤,一個狩獵的鏡頭上一架飛機劃過地平線。

And he wanted clifford to marry and produce an heir . clifford felt his father was a hopeless anachronism 他要克利福結婚,好生個嗣于,克利福覺得他的父親是個不可救藥的者頑固。

And he wanted clifford to marry and produce an heir . clifford felt his father was a hopeless anachronism 他要克利福結婚,好生個嗣丁,克利福覺得他的父親是個不可救藥的者頑固。

He manufactured details to aid his narrative , perpetrated anachronisms , and committed other mistakes 為了幫助敘述,他人為的制造細節,混淆年代,并犯有其他一些錯誤。

The picture is titled “ anachronism “ because zed is from a very technologically advanced society 我把畫命名為不合時期因為這個人物是從一個科技先進的社會而來的。

No freedom of speech as a label on singapore is an anachronism in this era of internet 在這互聯網時代, “抑制言論”這個標簽顯得與時代氣息格格不入。

Anachronism vs . antiquarianism : how does a good historian find a balance 11去古主義與好古主義:一個優秀的歷史學家如何在其中求取平衡?

Modern dress is an anachronism in productions of shakespeare ' s plays 在莎士比亞劇作演出中出現的現代服裝,是弄錯年代的東西

It would be an anachronism to speak of george washington riding in an automobile 說喬治華盛頓乘汽車是一種年代錯誤。