
anabaena n.【植物;植物學】1.念珠藻科的水藻〔常生于蓄水池,可...


Phylogenetic tree was constructed and displayed that a . platensis fachb341 , a . maxima ouqdsm and a . platensis fachb439 formed the monophyletic linage , which was fully supported by bootstrap values ( 1000 ) , while spirulina fachb440 and anabaena pcc7120 clustered in another linage with the bootstrap value of 909 系統發生分析結果顯示,三個節旋藻品系形成一個小的分支,其自舉值為1000而螺旋藻與魚腥藻聚合為一個類群,自舉值為909 。同時我們以鈍頂節旋藻fachb341m platenstsfachb341 )為材料,克隆了2073hp長的rubisco序列。

Under mixed culturing conditions , it was observed that bacterial number rapidly incre ; ised soon after the lysing of host cells . on the contrary , while the non - host cyanobacterium ( i . e . anabaena flos - aquae ) was incubated in the mix culturing system , the breeding of the bacteria could be inhibited . it may be suggested from the result above that cyanophage could bring about the changes in microorganism populations 調查結果顯示, 19個采集的水樣中有6個含有裂解織線藻的噬藻體,而且水樣未經濃縮即能裂解宿主,說明噬藻體在淡水中分布較廣泛,裂解性也較強;混合培養條件下的研究結果表明,噬藻體裂解宿主后,細菌數量快速增加,而當培養系統中有非宿主藻類存在時,細菌的增殖則受到非宿主藻的抑制,說明噬藻體可以顯著改變系統中微生物的種群結構。

The 3 bacteria showed algae - lysing effects on blue - green algae ( cyanobacteria ) . they presented a broad algae - lysing range , i . e . they lysed plectonema boryanum iu594 , nostoc sp . 96 , anabaena sp . pcc595 , phormidium foveolarum iu427 , miorocystis aeruginosa , lyngbya ketzingii iu1547 tested 3株溶藻細菌分別能溶解鮑氏織線藻、念珠藻、魚腥藻、坑形席藻、銅綠微囊藻、鞘絲藻等多種藍藻,其液體溶藻的現象較固體溶藻的現象明顯。

The inhibitory rates of anabaena flosaquae and chlorellin were 100 % and 91 . 5 % respectively under natural illumination 遮光條件下,葛蒲對各藻類的化感抑制作用受到影響,效果不佳。

Similarities of rbcs gene with homologous gene in four anabaena sp L0 。 rbcs基因序列在藍藻中報道的相對較少,它與魚腥藻( anabaenasp

Sieve selection and physiological characterization of transgenic anabaena sp . 7120 - g - csf 基因魚腥藻的篩選及生理特性研究

Physiological effects of lanthanum on cyanobacterium anabaena azollae 稀土元素鑭對滿江紅魚腥藻的生理影響

Effects of zinc ion on photosynthetic system of anabaena azotica 光能轉化特性的影響