
amylum n.【化學】淀粉 (starch)的拉丁名稱。


The peak times of amylase , cmc enzyme , cellulose , laccase , guaiacol oxidase and polyphenol oxidase were the 10th day , the 12th day , the 12th day , the 14th day , the 16th day and the 16th day respectively . it indicated that phellinus igniarius has the capability of discomposing amylum , cellulose and lignose 淀粉酶、 cmc酶、纖維素酶、漆酶、愈創木酚氧化酶、多酚氧化酶的活性高峰分別出現在第10d 、第12d 、第12d 、第14d 、第16d 、第16d ,說明桑黃對淀粉類物質、纖維素類、木質素類物質均具有降解能力。

The biochemical reaction in liquor - making mainly included the degradation of macromolecular substances such as the degradation of amylum and protein , the biochemical changes of micromolecular substances such as glycolysis of glucose ( emp approach ) and reconvertion of pyruvic acid , and the formation of flavoring substances such as the production of higher organic alcohol , maillard reaction , and the formation of aromatic compounds 白酒釀造過程中的生物化學反應主要包括:大分子物質的降解,如淀粉的降解和蛋白質的降解;小分子物質的變化,如葡萄糖的酵解( emp途徑)和丙酮酸的再轉化;香味物質的生成,如高級有機醇生成、美拉德反應和芳香族化合物的形成。

The biological characteristics of mycelia from phellinus igniarius and culture media were studied . two kinds of culture media were suitable for the growth of mycelia . the result indicated that the culture medium with potato as nitrogen source and saccharose as carbon source was suitable for collecting mycelia , and the culture medium with peptone as nitrogen source and solvable amylum as carbon source was suitable for conservation 為了最大限度地保存菌種的活力,以提高菌絲體的質量及菌絲體內活性成分的累積,本文通過對比研究,進一步對其生長基質進行篩選,明確了兩種適于桑黃菌絲生長的固體培養基:以馬鈴薯為氮源、蔗糖為碳源的培養基較適用于菌絲收集,以蛋白胨為氮源、可溶性淀粉為碳源的培養基較適用于菌種的保藏。

The device is to concentrate the material in the occasions such as china traditional drug 、 west drug 、 dextrose 、 amylum sugar 、 oral liquid 、 chemisty 、 foodstuff 、 monosodium glutamate and milk product and to reclaim the industrial organic solvent such as alcohol . it is suitable to concentrate the thermal sensitive material under lower temperature and vacuum with little batch number and multiple varieties 本設備適用于中藥、西藥、葡萄糖、淀粉糖、口服液、化工、食品、味精、乳品等物料濃縮與工業有機溶劑(如酒精)的回收,適用于批量小、品種多的熱敏性物料的低溫真空濃縮。

By optimizing the parameters such as the additive quantity of corn straw fibre , the content of amylum , the dosage of vesicant , the selecting of accessorial material , and the temperature of frothing , the cushion packaging material that has decompounding capability was prepared , and the factors influencing the mechanical strength of this material was analyzed by the method of static compress test 通過對玉米秸稈纖維添加量、淀粉含量、發泡劑用量、輔料選擇、發泡溫度等參數的優化,實驗制備了具有可降解性能的緩沖包裝材料,并利用靜態壓縮實驗方法對該材料力學強度的影響因素進行了分析。

Daqu , a microbial product containing multiple enzymes and bacterial species , its aroma - producing substances mainly come from proteins and fat of daqu - making materials and the degradation of amylum and those substances are composed of amino acids , fatty acid , polyose and its polymers etc 摘要大?是一種富含多酶多菌的微生態制品,大?復合曲香物質來源于制曲原料中的蛋白質、脂肪以及淀粉等的降解,其復合曲香由氨基酸、脂肪酸、多糖及其聚合物等多種物質共同構成。

Th - aady and saccharifying enzyme were activated and used in waste distiller ' s grains of special flavoring liquor , which could make full use of the residual amylum , residual sugar , and long - term fermented flavoring substances in the waste distiller ' s grains 摘要將th - aady和糖化酶活化后用在特殊調味酒的丟糟中,利用了丟糟中的殘淀、殘糖和長期發酵的香味物質,可節約生產成本,保證口感,增加出酒率。

The preparation technics of the new type cushion packaging material that took the corn straw and amylum as the primary composition was developed 摘要研究了以玉米秸稈和淀粉為主要成分的新型緩沖包裝材料的制備工藝。

Suitable for the automatic packing of milk powder , rice flour , milk tea powder , protein , amylum , sauce and such kind of powder materials 適用于奶粉、面粉、奶茶粉、蛋白粉、淀粉、調味料等粉狀物料的自動送料提升。

Our company will import amylum made in uk . is it dutiable under the most ? favored ? nation rates or the ordinary tax rate 我公司進口英國產的改性淀粉。請問適用最惠國稅率還是普通稅率?

Hello ! amylum originates from uk is dutiable under the most - faored ? nation rate 您好!進口原產地為英國的改性淀粉適用最惠國稅率征收關稅。

Situation and outlook of amylum waste water recycling utilization 淀粉廢水資源化利用的現狀和前景