
amylose n.【生物化學】直鏈淀粉;糖淀粉。


However , the processing quality and food quality of hybrid rice is not good due to high amylose content and hardness , low gel viscosity and bad mouthfeel etc . these problems were improved through regular breeding methods but it was only slightly . the main aim of this study was to modify rice starch quality by molecular biology methods 然而,在雜交稻中許多品種存在品質不優的問題,尤其是直鏈淀粉含量太高,其蒸煮品質上表現為粘性小,硬度大,口感不好等問題,采用常規育種的方法雖然取得了一些進展,但進程太慢,效果不理想。

The results showed that the 11 measured cooking and eating quality properties and taste value have manium significance genetic difference ; among the cooking and eating quality properties , varietal variation coefficent of gel consistency , peak viscosity , break down , setback is relatively large ; every cooking quality property has a different correlation with eating quality property , initial pasting temperature , finial viscosity , consistency and setback have significant or maximum significant inverse correlation with taste value , while peak viscosity , break down has a postive correlation with taste value , amylose content and protein content are inversely related to taste value , but gel consistency are positively related to taste value another , the correlation among varietal cooking and eating quality properties is significant or maximum significant ; in the analysis of principal components , the cumulative percent of 4 selected principal components reached 90 . 58 % , initial pasting temperature of large second principal components is small , but amylose content and protein content is high , finial viscosity , consistency are large 結果表明,所測定的11項蒸煮食味品質特性及味度值在供試品種間均存在著極顯著的遺傳差異;在蒸煮食味品質特性中,膠稠度、最高粘度、下降粘度值、粘滯峰消減值的品種間變異系數較大;糊化開始溫度、最終粘度、回冷粘滯性恢復值、粘滯峰消減值與味度值呈顯著或極顯著的負相關,而最高粘度、下降粘度值與味度值呈極顯著的正相關,直鏈淀粉和蛋白質含量與味度值呈負相關,而膠稠度與味度值呈正相關;在主成分分析中,被入選的4個主成分的貢獻率達90 58 ,其中第二主成分大的品種,糊化開始溫度低,直鏈淀粉和蛋白質含量高,最終粘度和回冷粘滯性恢復值大。

It is found that the quality of the same rice variety , which is related with commercial character such as the content of amylose , white belly and eating quality et al is quite different through analyzing 7 rice varieties including 4 indica and 3 japonica rice varieties produced in jiaxing and hainan rice breeding bacees 摘要經過對嘉興香米、蘇95 - 22等7個非糯水稻品種(系)海南和嘉興不同育種條件下成熟稻米品質分析,發現與稻米商品品質密切相關的同一品種的直鏈淀粉含量、外觀品質、食味等性狀嘉興和海南截然不同。

In addition , the research suggested that amylose content in annong waxy 1 was extremely low , and its viscosity parameters including pasting temperature , peak viscosity , hold - through , break - down , final viscosity , set - back , peak time and stirring were lower and extremely low 但“安農糯1 ”籽粒硬度的值較低,表現為軟質,直鏈淀粉含量表現極低的值,糊化溫度、高峰粘度、低谷粘度、稀懈值、最后粘度、反彈值、峰值時間和攪拌值等8個粘度儀參數均表現較低或極低的值。

This vector , including sbe2b gene , was 6 . 06kb long , containing endosperm specific promoter and a intron that enhanced the transcript efficiency . both sense and antisense cdna were transformed to upregulate and downregulate amylose content and relative branching characters 正向連接的表達載體用于增加胚乳中支鏈淀粉的含量,反向連接用于減少胚乳中支鏈淀粉的含量,增加直鏈淀粉的含量。

The blending recipes were researched under the principle of controlling amylose content to 15 % ~ 20 % and similar rice shape through adjusting the blending proportion of rice varieties with different amylose contents 配方研究是以控制直鏈淀粉含量為核心,以長寬比相近為原則,通過調整不同直鏈淀粉含量品種的搭配比例,達到直鏈淀粉含量15 % ~ 20 %且改善其早秈米飯過硬或過粘的食味特性的目的。

Lin , j . h . , 2006 , degradation rates and physicochemical properties of rice and corn starches with different amylose contents treated in methanol containing hydrochloric acid ” , ph . d . dissertation , providence university , taichung , taiwan 林政樺。 2006 。不同直鏈淀粉含量米及玉米淀粉于酸-甲醇處理中之降解速率及其理化特性之探討。靜宜大學食品營養研究所博士論文。

Lingzhi contains various amino acids , micro elements as well as over 100 chemical components such as lingzhi amylose , three - terpene compounds , nucleotide , biological alkali and enzyme 現代醫學證明:靈芝含有豐富的蛋白質、核酸、脂類、維生素、三萜類化合物、有機鹽類和20多種微量元素,能夠調節、增強人體免疫力,還具有抗疲勞,美容養顏,延緩衰老等功效。

It included low amylose and protein material ' s selection in early generation , low protein rice culture , purchase according to quality , paddy and brown rice choiceness and super low temperature store 包括低直鏈淀粉及蛋白質含量材料的早期篩選,低蛋白米栽培,分品質收購,稻谷精選,糙米色選,超低溫貯藏技術等。

Saccharide : glucose , mannose , xylose and galactose and so on are included . this kind of amylose can improve human immunity , and acts on the prevention and cure of cancer and aids 糖類:包括葡萄糖、甘露糖、木糖、半乳糖等。這類多糖對提高人體免疫功能,對癌癥和艾滋病的防治有一定作用。

Therefore , when the rice breeding program is conducted at the different place or in the different season , the content of the amylose in rice should be different 根據這一情況,異地育種或不同季節選育品種時,應根據溫度條件不同,建立相應的檢測指標,以提高針對性、減少品種選育的盲目性。

Photography - determination of residual thiosulfate and other related chemicals in processed photographic materials - methods using iodine - amylose , methylene blue and silver sulfide 攝影.處理后的攝影材料中殘留硫代硫酸鹽和其他相關化學品的測定.碘-直鏈淀粉法亞甲蘭法及硫化銀法

Determination of thiosulphate and other residual chemicals in processed photographic materials - iodine - amylose , methylene blue and silver sulphide densitometric methods 已加工的攝影材料中硫代硫酸鹽及其他化學殘留物的測定方法.碘-直鏈淀粉法亞甲藍法和硫化銀密度法

Additional , the rock algae amylose of kelp also has better medicine function to reduce cholesterol in human body , prevent and cure the diseases of vascular sclerosis , etc . 海帶中的巖藻多糖對降低人體中膽固醇,防治血管硬化等疾病也有較好的藥物作用。

The content of amylose and total sugar in 101 # bred hybrid new specie is obviously higher than that in qude mansiella radicata , a little lower than flammulina velutips 雜交新品種101 #鮮菇中多糖和總糖含量明顯高于茶菇的含量,稍低于金針菇的含量。

Yields of banana flour from green bananas obtained about 11 % , with a purity of about 95 % , relatively low amylose contents ( 11 % ~ 20 % ) and high resistant contents ( > 57 % ) 五個品種中,西貢蕉具有最高的淀粉含量,而牛蕉的抗性淀粉比例則最大。

Rapid identification of starch viscosity property of early indica rice varieties with different apparent amylose content by rva profile 譜在稻米蒸煮食用品質評價及遺傳育種方面的研究進展

This kind of amylose can improve human immunity , and act [ / color ] on the prevention and cure of cancer and aids 這類多糖對提高人體免疫功能,對癌癥和艾滋病的防治有一定作用。

Amylose the water - soluble fraction of starch . it is an unbranched bolymer of glucose units 直鏈淀粉:用熱水溶解淀粉時,可以溶解的那部分淀粉,稱為直鏈淀粉,它不分枝。