
amyloid adj.淀粉狀的,淀粉質的。n.1.【生物化學】淀粉狀蛋...

When stained with congo red and observed under polarized light , the amyloid has a characteristic “ apple green “ birefringence as seen here in a deposit around an artery in the heart 剛果紅染色,在偏振光下觀察,如圖所見在心臟一動脈周圍的沉積物,淀粉樣物質呈現典型的“蘋果綠”雙折射光。

Selkoe , d . j . , and d . schenk . “ alzheimer ' s disease : molecular understanding predicts amyloid - based therapeutics . “ annu rev pharmacol toxicol . 43 ( 2003 ) : 545 - 84 阿茲海莫癥:以分子生物學領域的了解預測以類淀粉勝肽為基礎的治療《藥理學與毒物學研究回顧雜志》 43 ( 2003 ) : 545 - 84

The amyloid stains orange - red , but with polarized light , the amyloid has an “ apple - green “ birefringence as seen here 淀粉樣物質經染色后應為橙紅色,但是在偏振光下,淀粉樣物質如圖所示為“蘋果綠”雙折射。

Glenner , g . g . “ amyloid & reg ; protein and the basis for alzheimer ' s disease . “ prog clin biol res . 317 ( 1989 ) : 857 - 68 有關阿茲海莫癥中類淀粉蛋白質以及其基礎《尖端臨床生物研究雜志》 . 317 ( 1989 ) : 857 - 68

Glenner , g . g . “ amyloid ? protein and the basis for alzheimer ' s disease . “ prog clin biol res . 317 ( 1989 ) : 857 - 68 有關阿茲海莫癥中類淀粉蛋白質以及其基礎《尖端臨床生物研究雜志》 . 317 ( 1989 ) : 857 - 68

This is the immunofluorescent appearance of the myocardium with antibody to lambda light chain . thus , this is “ al amyloid “ 心肌中針對輕鏈抗體的免疫熒光圖。為免疫細胞衍生性淀粉樣變性。


During the course of the research , one drug in particular was identified as effectie in blocking the accumulation of beta - amyloid in the brain and preenting the deterioration of cognitie performance 在研究的過程中,特別篩選出一個能有效阻止腦內-淀粉樣蛋白蓄積并且預防認知能力減退的藥物,即鹽酸普萘洛爾(心得安) 。

Lewy body disease that is quite common in the west , is not commonly encountered . in alzheimer s disease brains in chinese , amyloid deposition predominantes whereas neurofibrillary tangles are less frequently seen 在病種方面,以阿氏癡呆癥為主,約占23 ,腦血管性癡呆占13 ;而在西方很常見的路易體癡呆病則非常罕見。

Noninvasive methods of detecting these abnormal proteins are potentially useful in developing markers for drug development aimed at blocking amyloid build - up and for diagnostics , the researchers added 另外,檢測此種異常蛋白的非損傷型手段在開發阻止淀粉樣蛋白形成藥物的標記物上以及在診斷學上都具有潛在的重大意義。

In alzheimer s disease , the commonest form , the brain atrophies and abnormal proteins , called amyloid , accumlate in the brain substance , in the form of senile plaques 阿氏癡呆癥的病變,是大腦的萎縮,大腦組織出現了不正常的淀粉樣蛋白,稱老年斑,或神經細胞結構產生變化,稱神經纖維纏結。

When stained with congo red and observed under polarized light , the amyloid has a characteristic “ apple green “ birefringence as seen here in a deposit around an artery in the heart 剛果紅染色,在偏振光下觀察,如圖所見在心臟一動脈周圍的沉積物,淀粉樣物質呈現典型的“蘋果綠”雙折射光。

Instead of producing amyloid beta - peptide 42 ( so called because it has 42 of the amino - acid units of which proteins are composed ) , they make peptides 37 or 38 amino acids long 與產生淀粉樣貝塔-肽42 (因為它是由42個氨基酸組成而得名)所不同的是,它們產生了37或38氨基酸的肽段。

For the past decade there has been a lot of work on drugs called secretase inhibitors , which alter the activity of the enzymes that create amyloid beta - peptide 42 在過去的10年里人們對被稱為分泌酶抑制劑的藥物進行了大量研究,這種藥物可以改變酶類產生淀粉樣貝塔-肽42的活動。

Selkoe , d . j . , and d . schenk . “ alzheimer ' s disease : molecular understanding predicts amyloid - based therapeutics . “ annu rev pharmacol toxicol . 43 ( 2003 ) : 545 - 84 阿茲海莫癥:以分子生物學領域的了解預測以類淀粉勝肽為基礎的治療《藥理學與毒物學研究回顧雜志》 43 ( 2003 ) : 545 - 84

To his surprise , barrio found that fddnp had a specific affinity for the neurofibrillary tangles and beta - amyloid plaques found in the brains of alzheimer ' s patients 令barrio吃驚的是,他發現fddnp對阿爾茨海默病患者腦中的神經纖維團和-淀粉樣蛋白斑有特別的親和性。

The major factors for progressive loss of ? - cell function and mass are glucotoxicity , lipotoxicity , proinflammatory cytokines , leptin , and islet cell amyloid 導致細胞的功能與體積進行性損害的因素包括糖毒性、脂肪毒性、免疫炎性因子、瘦蛋白與胰島細胞淀粉樣變。

The major factors for progressie loss of ? - cell function and mass are glucotoxicity , lipotoxicity , proinflammatory cytokines , leptin , and islet cell amyloid 導致細胞的功能與體積進行性損害的因素包括糖毒性、脂肪毒性、免疫炎性因子、瘦蛋白與胰島細胞淀粉樣變。

One of the products , with the long - winded name amyloid beta - peptide 42 , has the unfortunate property that its molecules like to stick to each other 所形成的產物之一有一個冗長的名字? ?淀粉樣貝塔-肽42 ,它具有一種不祥的特性,即它們分子彼此之間容易糾纏在一起。

Amyloid plaques form when a molecule called amyloid precursor protein ( app ) is chopped up by two enzymes known as beta - secretase and gamma - secretase 當一種叫淀粉樣前體蛋白( app )的分子被兩種酶? ?分別叫作貝塔-分泌酶和伽瑪-分泌酶? ?切斷時就形成了淀粉樣斑塊。