
amylase n.【生物化學】淀粉(糖化)酶。


Although there are many studies on alpha - amylase of bombyx mori , no reports on the alpha - amylase gene of bombyx mandarina have been seen so far -淀粉酶是家蠶生物學上非常重要的功能酶類,已有大量的研究報道,但迄今還沒有野桑蠶-淀粉酶及基因的相關報道。

The nucleotide sequence similarity of alpha - amylase gene of bombyx mori and bombyx mandarina is 90 % and the putative amino acid sequence similarity is as high as 98 % 家蠶和野桑蠶-淀粉酶基因核苷酸序列相似性為90 ,推定氨基酸序列相似性為98 。

The active center of a mammalian alpha - amylase . structure of the complex of a pancreatic alpha - amylase with a carbohydrate inhibitor refined to 2 . 2 - a resolution 哺乳動物淀粉酶的活性中心。胰淀粉酶和糖抑制劑的復合物精確到2 . 2a分辨率的結構。

Results all bacteria we investigated could produce varying level amylase , the highest activity of amylase was from the bacillus cereus 結果地衣芽胞桿菌、枯草芽胞桿菌、蠟樣芽胞桿菌和納豆芽胞桿菌都能產生淀粉酶,以蠟樣芽胞桿菌產生的淀粉酶較多。

The variation of three enzymes , such the acid invertase , neutral invertase and amylase , was examinated with nine sugarcane varieties during mature period 摘要研究了9個甘蔗品種葉片的酸性轉化酶、中性轉化醉、淀粉醉活性在甘蔗成熟期的變化規律。

Conclusion the activity of amylase from 4 bacteria was : bacillus cereus > bacillus natto > bacillus subtilis > bacillus licheniformis 結論4種常見芽胞桿菌產淀粉酶能力依次為:蠟樣芽胞桿菌納豆芽胞桿菌枯草芽胞桿菌地衣芽胞桿菌。

The product was analyzed by sem , x - ray diffraction and tg after the granular maize starch was hydrolyzed by - amylase 摘要顆粒狀玉米淀粉經-淀粉酶催化水解后,應用sem 、 x射線衍射和熱失重( tg )對產品進行了分析。

It is used as a storage compound in fungi and certain bacteria as well as in animals , being hydrolyzed to glucose with the aid of amylase 糖原在真菌、某些細菌以及動物體中作為儲藏物質,可以淀粉酶水解成葡萄糖。

Effects of ozone on activity of proteinase and amylase in intestine tissues in crass carp ctenopharyngodon idellus c . amp; amp; v . fingerling 鹽度對黃鰭鯛幼魚消化酶活性的影響及消化酶活性的晝夜變化

Changes in amylase activity in digestive system of chinese sturgeon acipenser sinensis fed diets containing different kinds and levels of carbohydrate 中華鱘攝食不同水平的兩種糖后淀粉酶活性的變化

We sequenced three type mutation genes . one is no - function . the second amylase activity is 1 / 4 of the native amylase 與嗜水氣單胞菌( aeomonashydrophila )的-淀粉酶氨基酸序列有70同源性。

He presented with hiccups , epigastric pain and vomiting , and his serum amylase and lipase levels were elevated 他的癥狀有:呃逆、上腹部疼痛和嘔吐,他的血清淀粉酶和脂肪酶水平升高。

Study on the total activity of amylase of sprouting maize seeds affected by treatment of electrostatic field 技術研究高梯度靜電場凈化液壓油應用研究靜電作用下液體表面張力的研究

Concentration changes of amylase in vitreous humor of acute pancreatitis associated with different postmortem interval in rabbits 家兔急性胰腺炎死后不同時間眼玻璃體液淀粉酶變化

N : let ' s take a white blood count and a blood amylase test , a kind of test for acute pancreatitis 護士:讓我們做個白細胞計數和淀粉酶試驗,這是一種專為查急性胰腺炎的試驗。

Let ' s take a white blood count and a blood amylase test , a kind of test for acute pancreatitis 護士:讓我們做個白細胞計數和淀粉酶試驗,這是一種專為查急性胰腺炎的試驗。

Cloning and mutagenesis in vitro of _ amylase gene were studied and four main contents included 本研究對-淀粉酶基因的克隆、誘變和表達等進行了系統的研究。

Effects of sodium hypochlorite solution water - curing treatment on respiration and amylase activity of chestnut 次氯酸鈉水浴處理對板栗呼吸和幾種酶活性的影響

The results are related , among other things , to starch granule stability in the presence of amylase enzymes 該結果與淀粉粒在淀粉酶存在條件下的穩定性有關。