
amygdaloid n.【礦物】杏仁巖。adj.1.杏仁狀的。2.杏仁巖的。...

( 7 ) in addition , the spontaneous discharge rate of 32 % ( n = 35 ) neurons was innuenced by the basal amygdaloid stimulation , 23 % and 9o / of them was inhibited and facilitated respectively ( 8 ) foiiowing electricai stimulation of the basal amygdal “ the movement sensitivity of 25 % neurons ( n = 20 ) in visual area l was altered )杏仁基底核的興奮性活動可使32 h習5 )的視1區神經元自發放電水平發生改變,其中23神經元發放水平在刺激后一段時間內受到抑制, 9的神經元電活動顯著增強。作)電刺激杏仁基底核對兔視1區25加《 0 )的神經元運動敏感性產生影響。

( 6 ) just only the “ on “ pin or the “ off “ part of the “ on - off “ response neurons that influenced by the basai amygdaloid stimuiation was affected 仟)在觀察杏仁基底核對on心ff類型神經元光反應的影響過程發現,杏仁基底核對其中一部分神經元的影響只是對其中的。 n反應或。


The proportion of the inhibited and facilitated cells ( n = 89 ) was 30 % and l7 % . the latency of the amygdaloid infiuence was 2 ~ 20 ms and the duration ranged from l0 to 78 ms . the latency of l0 % cells was shorter than 5 ms and in 77 % cells it varied from l0 ms to 20 ms 在電刺激杏仁基底核時30 … 89 )的神經元光反應被抑制, 17神經元光反應被易化;杏仁復合體影響的潛伏期為2 20ms ,時程為10 78ms ,其中10的神經元光反應影響潛伏期小于sins , 77的影響潛伏期分布在10 20ms范圍內。

However according to the view of acoustics , click includes mixed frequencies , so further studies are necessary to investigate the physiological significance of amygdaloid modulating effect on the ascending auditory information at the cortical level . in this paper we firstly observe the characteristics of the acoustic response of neurons in a - i evoked by pure tone ; then investigate the influence of la stimulation on the acoustic response of these neurons and the physiological significance of such influence ; revea l the neural pathway mediating this effect with the neurohistological method ; and study the neurotransmitter and its receptor participating in this effect 本文采用電生理學方法考察大鼠皮層a區神經元純音反應特征,觀察杏仁外側核( la )對a區神經元聲反應的影響,運用神經組織學方法揭示介導這一影響的神經環路,采用多管微電極記錄結合微電泳技術的方法研究參與這種影響的神經遞質及受體,進一步探討了這種調制性影響的生理學意義。

( 7 ) in addition , the spontaneous discharge rate of 32 % ( n = 35 ) neurons was innuenced by the basal amygdaloid stimulation , 23 % and 9o / of them was inhibited and facilitated respectively ( 8 ) foiiowing electricai stimulation of the basal amygdal “ the movement sensitivity of 25 % neurons ( n = 20 ) in visual area l was altered )杏仁基底核的興奮性活動可使32 h習5 )的視1區神經元自發放電水平發生改變,其中23神經元發放水平在刺激后一段時間內受到抑制, 9的神經元電活動顯著增強。作)電刺激杏仁基底核對兔視1區25加《 0 )的神經元運動敏感性產生影響。

Many articles have reported the sensory - related function of the limbic system in recent years , as a key structure , the amygdaloid complex was considered to be the source of action and motivation . it receives information that comes from varous nuclei and modulates the sensory information by its axon projection 邊緣系統與感覺機能之間的關系近年已有大量的研究報道,杏仁復合體作為邊緣系統的重要結構,被認為是機體行為動機的策源地,一方面可接受外界傳入信息,另一方面也可對感覺信息產生調制性影響。

The present work investigatcd the amygdaloid influence on the light evoked local field potential and the response properties of single cell in visual area l of rabbits , and the projection from amygdaloid complex to visual area l also analyzed by retrograde tracing technology 實驗結果如下: ( 1 )兔視1區神經元中約98 ( n = 157 )的細胞存在自發放電,其活動強弱也各不相同。

The amygdaloid complex is one of crucial structures of the limbic system . the amygdaloid complex was convinced to be broad related with emotion , memory , and sense function of animals 杏仁體,亦稱杏仁核群,是大腦邊緣系統關鍵結構之一,近年來因證實它與情緒、感覺、記憶的關系密切而倍受關注。

( 6 ) just only the “ on “ pin or the “ off “ part of the “ on - off “ response neurons that influenced by the basai amygdaloid stimuiation was affected 仟)在觀察杏仁基底核對on心ff類型神經元光反應的影響過程發現,杏仁基底核對其中一部分神經元的影響只是對其中的。 n反應或。

However , this pathway has not been yet conformed by the histological research , and the amygdaloid influence at cortical level has not also been reported 目前,杏仁復合體在兔皮層水平上的影響和作用尚有待證實,而杏仁-視皮層-外膝體通路還缺乏組織學工作支持。

Conclusion the mill - like technique and 8 . 2 mega pixels digital photograph can display amygdaloid body , hippocanipal formation and lateral ventricle clearly 結論薄層冰凍銑切技術和820萬相素數碼照片能清晰顯示杏仁體、側腦室和海馬結構的位置關系及形態變化。

Objective to study amygdaloid body , hippocampal formation and lateral ventricle in thin cross section of brain to provide the anatomy knowledge for clinic 摘要目的觀察杏仁體、側腦室和海馬結構在腦的薄層橫斷面上的表現及變化,為影像學提供解剖學依據。

Research on changes of the nitric oxide synthase - positive neurons in medial cortical amygdaloid nuclei of rats under stress of exercise - induced fatigue 疲勞應激大鼠杏仁皮質內側核群一氧化氮合酶陽性神經元的變化

The expression of smac and xiap in rat hippocampus following limbic seizure induced by kainic acid injection into amygdaloid nucleus 杏仁核注射紅藻氨酸誘導大鼠邊緣葉癲癇發作時海馬中smac和xiap蛋白的表達

Results from the up end to the low end of the amygdaloid body , we obtained 72 clear digital photographs 結果從杏仁體出現到消失,共獲得72張高清晰數碼照片。

Blocking of ampa receptors in the central amygdaloid nucleus modulates the parabrachial nucleus taste responses in rats 受體對臂旁核味覺反應的影響

Spontaneous unit discharge of amygdaloid nucleus in heroindependent rats 海洛因依賴對大鼠杏仁核神經元自發放電的影響