
amusement n.1.娛樂,消遣;樂趣。2.娛樂品;娛樂活動。短語和例...

“girls are coming on nowadays,“ he said, with much amusement . “眼下,姑娘們都長進了,”他極其愉快地說。

amusement tax

Amusement features of yuefu poetry in the weijin period 魏晉樂府詩的娛樂化特點

Safety of amusement machines and amusement park equipments 游藝機和游樂設施安全

Shelton listened with mingled feelings of amusement and dismay, till the old actor, having finished resumed his crouching posture at the table . 謝爾頓帶著一種既感覺有趣又感覺局促不安的心情傾聽著,直聽到這位老演員把話講完,又恢復了他那趴在臺子上的蜷縮姿勢為止。

Besides the passion to excel, i have changed somewhat in the heartiness of my thirst for the amusements incident to my stations . 除對出人頭地的熱情外,以前我十分熱衷于一些與我身份相關的消遣,現在我也有了一些變化。

His speech and manners became curiously ceremonious and courtly, to the vast admiration and amusement of his intimates . 他的談話和舉動都變得特別斯文而有宮庭的派頭。使他那些親密的朋友非常羨慕,也覺得非常好玩。

She then turned her attention to seeking out objects of amusement for herself, and tripped merrily on . 然后她就把注意力轉移到一些可以取樂的事情上面去了,并且歡歡喜喜地輕步向前走去。

She determined to learn riding and tennis and golf, so that she might accompany him in all his amusements . 她決心學騎馬,打網球和高爾夫球,以便在他的所有娛樂活動中都能陪伴他。

She told me with amusement how ordinsky, the pole, had presented himself at her door one evening . 她興趣盎然地告訴我,奧定斯基,那位波蘭人如何在一天晚上來到她的房門口。

It was her favorite amusement to array herself in the faded brocades, and parade up and down before the long mirror . 她最喜歡穿起那些褪色的綢衫,在長鏡子前晃來晃去了。

I was pretty diligent, but i spent with ralph a good deal of my earnings at plays and public amusements . 我很勤奮,可是我和拉爾夫把許多錢都花到了看戲和公共娛樂上了。

I smuggled over a great number of books, and other articles, that had formed her amusement at the grange . 我偷偷搬運來一大堆書,以及她在田莊時喜歡玩的其他東西。

In a minute or two her color returned, and life and amusement flowed back into her eyes . 過了一兩分鐘,她的臉色才轉過來,兩眼又恢復了那種活躍而調皮的神情。

They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever i produced a packet of sweets from my pocket . 每當我從口袋里拿出一包糖果時,他們就毫不掩飾地取笑我。

After that they conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with amusement parks . 從此他們的言談行事就象在娛樂場所一樣了。

Azizov smiled, whether out of derision or amusement levchenko could not tell . 阿基佐夫笑了,是嘲弄,還是覺得有趣,列夫欽科也說不清楚。

This will be a bad day's amusement for you, if you are to be knocked up . 要是把你累得筋皮力盡,對你來說,今天的活動就沒有意思了。

It was excellent drill for their memories a harmless amusement . 這對她們的記憶力來說是一種絕妙的訓練,又是一種有利無弊的娛樂。

I am bound to admit that conversations and amusement languished during the day . 我不得不承認,當天的談話和消遣都索然無味。