
amuse vt.娛樂,使…喜歡[高興],逗…笑。 You amus...

“it amuses you, dear,“ she answered bitterly . “你倒是自得其樂,親愛的。”她尖刻地答道。

“damn,“ said the captain, amused and vexed . “見鬼,”上尉又好氣又好笑地說。


He had no objection no moral ground to his friends amusing themselves . 從道德的角度,他并不反對朋友們自己消遣消遣。

I know the pantomime to which you are referring , it was really amusing . 我知道你所指的那個啞劇,它非常具有娛樂性。

She was bright, amusing and very attractive. she was also rich . 她頭腦聰明,性情開朗,姿色迷人,而且很富有。

I agree with you that it's amusing to be rustic in town . 我同意你的看法,在城里享受一下鄉間景色很有意思。

You amuse me . 嘻,你這人真有趣。

You amuse me . 嘻,你這人真逗趣兒。

Chickens amuse me . 小雞能給我樂趣。

We were greatly amused . 我們很快樂。

She was allowed to amuse herself as she liked till teatime . 她被允許隨心所欲地一直玩到吃茶的時候。

The idea amused jo, who liked to do daring things . 這個主竟使裘很得意。她就喜歡做膽大妄為的事情。

I'm driven down here by the cold, not to amuse you . 我是被寒冷趕到這兒來的,不是來使你們開心的。

He travelled all over the world, lived abroad, amused himself . 他周游世界,旅居國外,尋歡作樂。

The police had a difficult time, but they were most amused . 警察疲勞不堪,但都覺得非常有趣。

It was all very amusing . 這一切都很有意思。

Our visits to the theatre made the holiday more amusing . 我們因看了幾場戲而使假日倍添情趣。

Mccaul was highly amused by his trip into the lion's den . 這次深入虎穴使麥克考爾得意極了。

Laura seemed to find joe amusing and interesting . 勞拉好象覺得喬既逗人喜愛又令人感到興趣。