
amulet n.護身符,驅邪符。

The merger of firms and monopoly are treated more leniently . as a whole , there is a growing tendency to loosen micro - economic intervention . following the basic logic of market - oriented reform , government has withdrew from some micro - economic areas during the economic transition in china , on the other hand , the slogan of “ macro - economic adjustment should be strengthened “ is being abused on many occasions and has become amulet of excessive regulation and unbounded intervention 在我國經濟體制轉型過程中,一方面政府也逐漸退出一些微觀經濟領域,總體上按照市場化進程的基本邏輯逐步推進;但是另一方面, “加強宏觀調控”在很多場合被政府(尤其是地方政府)部門濫用,并成為政府過度規制和任意干預的護身符,嚴重擾亂了市場秩序,妨礙了市場化改革的深入。

The depiction of dwarfs as shown in records available from ancient egypt , the numerous figurines and amulets that were formed in their shape , as well as text from papyri invoking their magical powers , such as protection against snakes , leads dr kozma to conclude that “ the image of short people in ancient egypt is essentially positive “ 科茲馬博士最后在報告中總結說“在古埃及,這些小人的形象基本上都是正面的。 ”而軟骨發育不全是造成侏儒癥的最常見原因。國際在線獨家資訊蔣黎黎

“ well said , sea elf , “ the merman second said . “ eadro watches ! “ he touched the blood - coral amulet of his private god . “ we thought waterdeep was beyond their reach . “說得好,海精靈, “人魚副官說道, “依卓洛在上! “他觸碰了一下象征自己信仰的血珊瑚項墜, “我們原以為深水城不在他們的活動范圍里。

New threats bring new challenges , ship self - defense system ( ssds ) begins to appear on the war scene , and becomes absolutely necessary “ amulet “ of naval ships 新威脅帶來新挑戰,艦艇自防御系統開始迅速走上戰爭舞臺,成為水面戰艦必不可少的“護身符” 。

The amulet attached was sent to me by a buddhist in poland . it is a “ liberation through wearing “ amulet that grants blessing to beings who wear it on their body 呈上的護符是由一位在波蘭的佛友寄來給我的。這是“戴解脫“護符,經由戴在身上而得到加持。

Amulets depicting the “ ba - bird “ often adorned mummies , even after the greek occupation of egypt in hellenistic times 描繪成“巴?鳥”的護身符經常裝飾在木乃伊上,甚至在希臘侵略埃及之后的希臘化時期也有。

The guardian of the ' flaming pearl “ symbol of spiritual perfection and powerful amulet of luck 燃燒的珍珠’的守護者,精神上的完美符號和運氣的強有力的護身符。

Amulets , “ guards , “ as they are popularly called , intended to ward off evil spirits 護身符或者象他們普遍的叫法: “警衛”用來抵御妖魔鬼怪。

Amulets , “ guards , “ as they are popularly called , intended to ward off evil spirits 護身符? ?或者象他們普遍的叫法: “警衛”用來抵御妖魔鬼怪。


The merger of firms and monopoly are treated more leniently . as a whole , there is a growing tendency to loosen micro - economic intervention . following the basic logic of market - oriented reform , government has withdrew from some micro - economic areas during the economic transition in china , on the other hand , the slogan of “ macro - economic adjustment should be strengthened “ is being abused on many occasions and has become amulet of excessive regulation and unbounded intervention 在我國經濟體制轉型過程中,一方面政府也逐漸退出一些微觀經濟領域,總體上按照市場化進程的基本邏輯逐步推進;但是另一方面, “加強宏觀調控”在很多場合被政府(尤其是地方政府)部門濫用,并成為政府過度規制和任意干預的護身符,嚴重擾亂了市場秩序,妨礙了市場化改革的深入。

The depiction of dwarfs as shown in records available from ancient egypt , the numerous figurines and amulets that were formed in their shape , as well as text from papyri invoking their magical powers , such as protection against snakes , leads dr kozma to conclude that “ the image of short people in ancient egypt is essentially positive “ 科茲馬博士最后在報告中總結說“在古埃及,這些小人的形象基本上都是正面的。 ”而軟骨發育不全是造成侏儒癥的最常見原因。國際在線獨家資訊蔣黎黎

Originally used as a symbol for birth and rebirth , it quickly evolved to becoming an amulet for protective purposes ( used in many completely different religions ) , a seal for officials and later only for decorative purposes 原先用于出生和再生符號象征,它很快地發展為保護的想法(用于多數完全地不同的宗教) ,官印以及后來僅用于裝飾目的成為了一個護身符。

“ well said , sea elf , “ the merman second said . “ eadro watches ! “ he touched the blood - coral amulet of his private god . “ we thought waterdeep was beyond their reach . “說得好,海精靈, “人魚副官說道, “依卓洛在上! “他觸碰了一下象征自己信仰的血珊瑚項墜, “我們原以為深水城不在他們的活動范圍里。

Jester : you want to know why the speel didn ' t break , hmm , vergil ? you have the two amulets and sparda ' s blood . you had everything you needed to unleash the evil 杰斯特:你想知道為何封印沒有解除,嗯,維吉爾?你已經有了兩塊結晶,也有了斯巴達的血。你已經有了任何你需要的東西來釋放黑暗

Many poems relate to diseases like cough and jaundice , to male and female demons that cause diseases , to sweet - smelling herbs and magic amulets , which drive diseases away 很多詩都提及到病癥,例如咳嗽和黃疸等,男魔和女魔帶來了疾病,甜蜜的草藥和魔術般的護身符把疾病驅除。

Jester : you want to know why the speel didn ' t break , hmm , vergil ? you have the two amulets and sparda ' s blood . you had everything you needed to unleash the evil 杰斯特:你想知道為何封印沒有解除,嗯,維吉爾?你已經有了兩條項鏈和斯巴達的血。這已經足以讓你釋放惡魔了!

The capture of that city will not only bring the amulet into markal ` s posession , but also will start his war of vengeance against the wizards of the silver cities 占領這座城市不僅可以讓馬卡爾得到這件護身符,同時也將宣告他對銀色城邦法師的復仇之戰正式開始。

New threats bring new challenges , ship self - defense system ( ssds ) begins to appear on the war scene , and becomes absolutely necessary “ amulet “ of naval ships 新威脅帶來新挑戰,艦艇自防御系統開始迅速走上戰爭舞臺,成為水面戰艦必不可少的“護身符” 。

The amulet attached was sent to me by a buddhist in poland . it is a “ liberation through wearing “ amulet that grants blessing to beings who wear it on their body 呈上的護符是由一位在波蘭的佛友寄來給我的。這是“戴解脫“護符,經由戴在身上而得到加持。