
amuck adv.,adj.狂暴;狂怒;殺氣騰騰。 run amu...


She had been told that , rough and brutal as they seemed just then , they were not like this all the year round , but were , in fact , quite civil persons save during certain weeks of autumn and winter , when , like the inhabitants of the malay peninsula , they ran amuck , and made it their purpose to destroy life - in this case harmless feathered creatures , brought into being by artificial means solely to gratify these propensities - at once so unmannerly and so unchivalrous towards their weaker fellows in nature s teeming family 她曾經聽人說過,他們那時候似乎粗魯野蠻,但不是一年到頭都是這樣,其實他們都是一些十分文明的人,只是在秋天或冬天的幾個星期里,才像馬來半島上的居民那樣殺氣騰騰,一味地殺害生靈他們獵殺的這些與人無害的羽毛生物,都是為了滿足他們這種殺生嗜好而預先用人工培養出來的那個時候,他們對大自然蕓蕓眾生中比他們弱小的生靈,竟是那樣地粗野,那樣地殘酷。

So it was with the cassandra as brought us all safe home from malabar , after england took the viceroy of the indies ; so it was with the old walrus , flint s old ship , as i ve seen amuck with the red blood and fit to sink with gold 卡散德拉號就是這樣,在殷格蘭拿下了印度總督號,她把我們從馬拉巴全部送回家老瓦魯斯號,弗林特的那艘老帆船,也是這樣,當時我見她被鮮血染得斑斑駁駁,被金子壓得快要沉了。 ”

Originally , they could still understand something . after they meditate by themselves , they do all sorts of hand and feet mudras and talk nonsense . their minds become confused and run amuck 本來以前還懂事一點,默默打坐了以后,手印腳印又跑出來了,然后亂七八糟講話,精神不一樣,頭腦壞掉。

She saw that he resented her shrinking ; but it seemed to excite him to run amuck the more 她知道自己的退縮使他氣惱,結果仿佛使他更加狂暴起來。

The insane man was sent to an asylum so that he would not run amuck 瘋子被送進了瘋人院,以防他四處發狂傷人。

The insane man was sent to an asylum so that he would not run amuck 瘋子被送到了瘋人院,好讓他不會發起瘋來。

In no minute did the sea run amuck 傾刻間海上刮起了大風暴。

There ' s something amuck with this sponge cake 這塊海綿蛋糕好像有點不對勁。

The spaniards ran amuck in chinese quarter and pillaged their junks in the harbour . 西班牙人在中國居民區亂砍亂殺,并劫掠他們在港口的船只。