
amputate vt.切斷,截除,截(肢)。


They can use their remaining physical limb to control the movements of a computer - generated limb , which appears in the 3d computer - generated world in the space of their amputated limb 他們可以利用他們殘留的真實肢體來控制計算機生成肢體的運動,而那將出現在計算機虛擬的3d世界中他們被截掉的肢體處。

Academics from the school of computer science and school of psychological sciences have developed a virtual reality system , which gives the illusion that a person ' s amputated limb is still there 計算機科學學院和心理學院的學者們發明了一種仿真系統,它能使人產生被截掉的肢體仍存在的錯覺。

Digital gangrene progressed with right index finger amputated in spite of cessation of smoking , parenteral prostaglandin , immunosuppressive , and anticoagulant therapy 最初的表現為手指壞疽,盡管在停止抽煙、使用前列腺素、免疫抑制劑及抗凝血劑的情況下,仍然持續惡化,最后右手食指截肢。

The hand transplant recipient , new zealander clint hallam , later had it amputated . doctors said he failed to take the required drugs and his body rejected the limb 手術后,因為哈勒姆沒有按要求服用必須的藥物及他的身體對移植器官產生了排斥反應,最后不得不將移植的器官切除掉。

An injured black - faced spoonbill found near the shenzhen river , san tin with a fishhook and line attached embedded in its wing had that wing amputated on thursday , 19th february 一頭受傷的黑臉琵鷺于鄰近深圳河新田的魚塘內被發現,當時雀鳥翅膀上嵌著魚鉤和繩子。

The nursing robots are designed and made for amputated or critical patients and can work both in sickrooms and in households instead of paramedics 護理機器人是專門為高位截癱的殘疾人或重病人設計的,可以在病房或家庭中代替護理人員完成一定的護理工作。

The hand ' s gestures are made possible through electrode plates that detect electrical signals generated in the remaining muscles in the amputated limb 根據電極探測到的殘肢肌肉發出的信號后,電子仿生手可以作出相應的姿態。

Some patients had had arms and legs amputated , while some had their entire bodies affected by the disease that painfully worsens each day 有些病人手腳已切除,還有些人的身體則仍不斷受病菌侵蝕,一天比一天惡化與痛苦。

In the mirror treatment , a patient with an amputated hand places his normal and phantom hands on each side of the mirror 在鏡像治療中,被截去一只手的病人將正常的手和幻覺中的手分別放在鏡子的兩面。

The proximal femur has been amputated and cut in half to reveal an irregular dark red - black hemorrhagic mass in the epiphyseal region 近端股骨已被截肢并切成兩半而在干骺端顯露出一暗紅黑色血腫。

Imagine what people thought when they saw the amputated limbs , the flayed human skins and the ghastly torture implemented 人們看到那些殘碎的肢體、整張的人皮和令人發指的刑具,該會做何感想呢

Some ants , when they arrived at the feeding station , had the ends of their legs amputated , to shorten their stride length 有的螞蟻抵達飼喂點后,就將其腿部末端切除,以縮短其步長。

Treatment of giant cell tumor of bone in the distal femur with amputated extremity and tumor curettement combined with bone grafting 截肢與瘤段刮除加植骨術治療股骨下端骨巨細胞瘤

Then fill another container such as a plastic case or plastic bag with ice cubes and put the amputated limb inside 用另一容器如膠盒或膠袋盛載冰塊,然后把連膠袋的斷肢放進去。

They showed the wounded man the leg that had been amputated , wearing a boot , and covered with dry gore 人們給那個傷員看了看他那條被截去的沾滿血漬的還穿著靴子的腿。

Doctors amputated [ viii ] ) a toe and i had several skin grafts [ ix ] ) , but i can still wrestle 醫生們截斷了我的一根腳趾,我有幾塊皮膚也是移植的,但我還可以摔跤。

In the other group , 97 of 234 affected digits were amputated , or about 41 percent 而在另外一組病人中, 234個凍傷的手指或腳趾中的97個接受了切除術,約占41 % 。

They amputated her leg . but she would say boy im glad it was my leg and not my right arm 我跟那里失明的人談話,他們說:很慶幸只是失去視力,不是聽覺。

Doctors amputated ) a toe andi had several skin grafts ) , but i canstill wrestle 醫生們截斷了我的一根腳趾,我有幾塊皮膚也是移植的,但我還可以摔跤。