
ampulla n.(pl. -lae )1.(古羅馬的)細勁壇。2.神...


There are 16 - 32 gland ducts from prostate opened into the urethra , eject prostatic fluid which composes semen . furthermore , the right and left ejaculation ducts are formed by the spermatic efferent and the ampullae located end of the spermaduct , also pass through the prostate and open to the spermatic colliculus 條腺管開口于尿道內,射精時排出前列腺液,參與精液的構成此外,精囊的輸出管與輸精管末端的壺腹匯合后形成左右射精管,亦穿過前列腺開口于該段尿道的精阜,在一個

Primary small intestinal carcinomas are very rare , but the majority of those that do occur arise in the region of the ampulla , where they may become symptomatic through biliary or pancreatic duct obstruction 原發性小腸腺癌很少見,但大部分發生在壺腹區域,在那里它們通過堵塞膽汁和胰液的輸送而產生癥狀。

The initial dose of compound fluorouracil injection is 2 ampullae ( 10mlampulla ) with 500 ml n . s a day slow drip in order to avoid from phlebitis or venous sclerosis 剛開始的施打劑量為一天2安瓶( 10cc安瓶) ,注入500cc生理食鹽水,為避免出現靜脈炎,靜脈硬化現象,請減緩滴速。

Be sure to shake the ampulla about 15 minutes before using , and mix well with normal saline 用藥前,請示先將安瓶振搖15分鐘左右,再注入500cc生理食鹽水混勻。

The does can be increased to 4 ampullae with 500 ml a day till the cycle has done 此劑量可增加至最多4安瓶,于500cc生理食鹽水中滴注,直到整個療程結束。

Ampulla ossea superior 上骨壺腹

Ampulla membranacea superior 上膜壺腹

The ampulla comprises about half of the oviductal length . 壺腹約占輸卵管全長的一半。