
ampoule 短語和例子ampul(e)n.1.(裝針藥水的)小玻璃管...


In this paper , aggas2 polycrystal was synthesized by two - zone vapor - transport ing and temperature - oscillating method ( tvtm ) with high pure elements silver ( ag ) , gallium ( ga ) , and sulfur ( s ) . in the synthetic procedure , s vapor was transported from lower temperature zone to the higher where s reacted with ag and ga to get aggas2 , and then aggas2 was temperature - oscillated many times between 1060 ? and 900 ? . by tvtm , it made the ampoule less crack rate and the material much better 本論文用銀( ag ) 、鎵( ga ) 、硫( s )三種高純單質元素,采用一種新的合成工藝路線? ?二溫區氣相輸運溫度振蕩法,從低溫區以熱對流的方式輸運硫蒸汽到高溫區與銀和鎵反應生成aggas _ 2 ,降低了合成安瓿爆炸幾率;并在熔點附近快速溫度振蕩從而提高多晶質量。

This machine is adaptive to sticking labels on bottles of a long tube shape that cannot stand stably during liquor filling , such as small injection bottles , ampoules , and other medicine bottles , as well as batteries . the entire machine is of s304 stainless steel or oxidation p rocessed alloy aluminium , with all the main electric and control units of internationally famous brands , among which the driving system japanese import , and the photoelectric control system german import . all these factors mentioned above can ensure a stable and accurate label sticking operation 該設備適用站立不穩的長筒瓶貼標,如口服液瓶小注射瓶安培瓶電池針劑藥品瓶等,整機為s304不銹鋼與經氧化處理的鋁合金制成。主要電器控制元件均是國際知名品牌,貼標頭驅動系統為日本原裝進口件光電控制系統為德國原裝進口件,確保了貼標的準確性和穩定性。

In crystal growth experiment , aggas2 crystal was growen in special quartz ampoule by crucible descending method ( b - s method ) . the equipments were used , which consist of a two - zone vertical growth furnace whose temperature gradient is tunable , a descending device with decelerating rate of 1 : 2000 , a controlling system of electy and a temperature testing system using thermal couples 晶體生長實驗中,我們利用上下溫度梯度可調的二溫區管式生長爐, 1 2000減速比的旋轉下降系統,電氣控制系統和密集適時測溫系統等,在特殊形狀的石英生長安瓿中,采用坩堝下降法( b - s法) ,以合成的aggas _ 2多晶原料進行晶體生長。

Cd1 - xznxte single crystal with good crystallinity has been grown by the descending ampoule with rotation method - before this , high - purity cd1 - xznxte polycrystal materials have been synthesized from 6n gd zn te in the same ampoule . on the basis of this , we deeply explore method of detector fabrication . and we also studied the level and density of traps in detector . gold , indium and c have been deposited as electrodes on polished and chemically etched surfaces of samples with the sizes from 5 5 1 to 10 10 1 . 5mm to compare different contact technologies . the behavior of detector ' s leakage current with temperature and leakage current with time were studied as well as th current - voltage characteristics to deduce the level and density of trap in detectors 我們利用熔體溫度振蕩法在石英安瓿中將6n的單質cd 、 zn 、 te合成多晶原料,用坩鍋旋轉下降法在同一安瓿中生長出尺寸為20 40mm的cd _ ( 1 - x ) zn _ xte晶體。在此基礎上對碲鋅鎘探測器的工藝進行了較深入的研究,制作了厚1 ? 1 . 5mm的探測器,測試了c 、 in 、 au等不同金屬的電極接觸性能,并在國內首次通過測試器件的i ? v 、 i ? t曲線、弛豫特性和電容特性對電阻率、陷阱能級、陷阱濃度進行了分析,同時測得的~ ( 241 ) am源的能譜。

There are many different methods of growth cdse single crystals , but they have some deficiencies . in our study , the technique of the purification of starting materials had been improved : the purification of polycrystalline and growth of cdse single crystals had be carried on in the same quartz ampoule and starting materials had been transferred into the growth ampoule directly in the last process of purification , which avoided the extra contamination 由于制備具有高純度和高電阻率的cdse單晶體非常困難:到目前為止,制備cdse單晶體的方法雖然很多,如溶液法、熔體法、溫度梯度溶劑區熔法( tgsz )等,但是都因各自的不足而沒有成為簡便而理想的制備cdse單晶體的方法,所以cdse單晶體沒有得到廣泛的應用。

Company owns ten gmp authenticated production lines , which can manufacture various high standard pharmaceutical preparation and crude drug , such as ampoule , freeze - dried acanthopanax powder spasmolytic , injection , ii cephaloridine , granules , troche , capsule , soft capsule , eye drops 公司擁有十條通過gmp認證的生產線,可以高標準生產包括針劑、凍干粉針、注射劑、頭孢菌素類、顆粒劑、片劑、膠囊劑、軟膠囊劑、滴眼劑等在內的各種劑型和原料藥。

In this paper , the coating technologies of carbon film on the inner wall of quartz ampoule were studied , which were important for the growth of cd1 - xznxte . by the ameliorated techniques , the carbon films with high quality were obtained 本文對和晶體生長密切相關的坩堝內壁鍍膜工藝進行了系統研究,制定出相應的改進措施,得到了適用于cd _ ( 1 - x ) zn _ xte晶體生長的高質量碳膜。

It is a joint venture between jinan linuo glasswork co . , ltd and shengli oil field dongfang industrial group . it mainly deals with research , production of neutral pharmaceutical glass tubes , ampoules and vials 由濟南力諾玻璃制品有限公司與勝利油田東方實業集團公司攜手組建,主要研發、生產中性藥用玻璃、中性藥用安瓿和管制瓶。

Laser induced diffusion is performed within a non - homogenous 4 - d temperature field , which is different with the normal closed - ampoule diffusion in a homogenous and steady temperature field 與常規閉管擴散的均勻恒定溫度場不同,激光誘導擴散是在四維( x , y , z , t )非均勻溫度場中進行。

Standard specification for identification of vials and ampoules containing concentrated solutions of drugs to be diluted before use 裝有使用前應稀釋藥物濃縮溶液的玻璃瓶和小玻璃瓶的識別標準規范

< uk > the source is which is placed along with the polished substrate in an evacuated , sealed quartz ampoule . < / uk > < uk >擴散源與拋光襯底一起置放在抽真空密封的石英管內。 < / uk >

Injection equipment for medical use - part 1 : ampoules for injectables iso 9187 - 1 : 2000 ; german version en iso 9187 - 1 : 2003 , german and english texts 醫用注射設備.第1部分:注射用安瓿瓶

Its annual output includes 30 , 000 mt pharmaceutical glass tubes and1 . 2 billion pieces ampoules and vials 年產藥用玻璃管3萬噸,各類安瓿及管制瓶12億支。

Ampoule printing machine 安瓿印字機

Injection equipment for medical use ; one point cut ampoules ; identical with iso 9187 - 2 : 1993 醫用注射器具.單點刻安瓿

Closed ampoule vacuum diffusion 閉管真空擴散

Ampoule filling and sealing machine 安瓿灌裝封口機

Ultra - sonic ampoule cleaning machine 安瓿超聲波清洗機

Ampoule tunnel sterilizing dryer 安瓿隧道式滅菌干燥機