
amplitude n.1.廣闊,廣大。2.豐富,充足。3.(思想的)廣度。...

amplitude modulation

Test charts of reflection for television amplitude response test chart 輻值響應測試圖

Meters for measuring amplitude by a reading microscope 讀數顯微鏡測振幅法

Low - amplitude events by themselves are not significant 低烈度事件本身并不引人注目。

Reseach of measuring sound speed by amplitude extreme method 振幅極值法測聲速的研究

2 spurious noise at low amplitudes is limited by a 2低幅度寄生失真受- 75dbm本底限制

Cavec chroma amplitude and velocity error corrector 色度幅度和速度誤差校正器

Eddy - current displacement vilbration amplitude transducer 電渦注式位移振幅傳感器

The transmitted information is coded into the amplitude of the pulses so that each predetermined value of pulse energy is associated with a message . 把傳輸的信息編碼成脈沖的振幅,因而使每個預先規定的脈沖能量值對應于一個信息。

Bright areas reveal undeflected or stationary nodal regions while contour lines trace out areas of constant vibrational amplitude . 亮區表示未受偏轉的或穩定的波節區而輪廓線則描繪出等振幅的區域。

The possibility of temporal variations in the earth tidal amplitudes associated with earthquakes has first been suggested by nishimura . 西村首先提出與地震有關的固體潮振幅隨時間變化的可能性。

the term(浴) is seen to be quadratic in an amplitude quantity, and we shall linearize by neglecting it. 項()被看成是振幅的二次項,我們將忽略這一項而線性化。

Its low amplitude makes it less important as a source of disturbance in magnetic prospecting than the solar component . 作為磁法勘探中的干擾源,它的幅度很小,所以遠不及太陽日變分量那么重要。

Miss ingram seated herself with proud grace at the piano, spreading out her snowy robes in queenly amplitude . 英格拉姆小姐驕傲而文雅地坐在鋼琴跟前,雪白的長袍向四面鋪開,象女王的衣服一樣。

(the termv1 )v1 is seen to be quadratic in an amplitude quantity, and we shall linearize by neglecting it. 項(v1)v1被看成是振幅的二次項,我們將忽略這一項而線性化。

Such amplitude variations would be predicted on the basis of principles governing seismic velocities in heterogeneous media . 按照在非均勻介質內確定地震速度的原理,應能預測這樣的振幅變化。

This would result in about 1. 5 million variable amplitude stress cycles, assuming each truck produces one stress cycle . 假定一輛卡車產生一次應力循環,這將產生15百萬次變幅應力循環。

As the vectors go around, the amplitude of the sum vector gets bigger, and smaller, and the intensity pulsates . 在矢量旋轉時,合矢量的振幅時而變大,時而變小,因而強度作脈動變化。

The clearest patterns will exist when the interfering waves have equal or very nearly equal amplitudes . 當發生干涉的兩個波的振幅相等或非常接近相等時,將有最清晰的圖樣。

Special gain controls are used to regulate the amplitude levels at the beginning and end of the record . 為了調節記錄的開頭部分和尾端的振幅電平,通常采用專門的增益控制。