
amplify vt.1.擴大,放大。2.引伸,詳述。3.【電學】增強(...

When the liquid heights change, an “error“ signal is produced and amplified to drive a servomotor . 當液柱高度變化時,產生一個“誤差”信號,經放大后驅動伺服馬達。


A photomultiplier can amplify the signal to detectable levels 光電倍增管可將此訊號放大到可偵測的程度。

The radio signal can be amplified 無線電的信號可以放大

Nonlinear propagation of optical pulse in laser amplifying medium 光脈沖在激光放大介質中的非線性傳播

The amplifying glass should be there 增強鏡片應該就在里面

Amplify any variant frequency cycle and route them to me 放大每一個不同的頻率周期并把它們發送給我

He amplified ( on ) his new findings with drawings and figures 他用圖表和數字進一步闡明他新近的發現。

When sound is amplified , it can be heard from a greater distance 當聲音增強,更遠的地方可以聽見。

Hearing devices help improve communication by amplifying sound 助聽系統通過放大聲音來改善交流。

Design of amplifying and converting circuit for coil target signal 測速線圈靶信號放大與轉換電路

Noise nuisances caused by the sound amplifying systems in schools 學校的擴音系統造成的噪音滋擾

Amplified fragment length polymorphism , aflp 用擴增片段長度多態性

Really bad news . repeatable core , amplified radius 很壞的消息可重用的內核,放大的輻射范圍

Amplifying light , seeing by temperatures 夜視儀,放大光源和感應溫度

He amplified his new findings with drawings and figures 他用圖表和數字進一步闡述他的新發現

Level 2 - amplifies damage by reducing the target ' s armor by 10 二級-降低目標10點的護甲。

Level 1 - amplifies damage by reducing the target ' s armor by 5 一級-降低目標5點的護甲。

It amplifies the wearer s mood , whether positive or negative 有綠、孔雀綠、暗綠色等。

They merely amplify good fortune or block evil 它們只是為了祈福和辟邪