
ampliation n.〔古語〕擴大,擴張;(加某物以)增大。


After the amplication of primer s103 , there was a specific fragment about 850bp in t2201 ; after the amplication of primer s74 , there were two new fragment about isoobp and 400bp in variant t2202 . the amplified prauct of si 18 had a 480bp new fragment in variant t2204 . in variant t2203 there were two specific fragments about 980bp and 550bp after ampliation of primer s64 經引物s103擴增,在變異體t2201中出現850bp的特異片段;引物s74在變異體t2202中擴增出1500bp和400bp的兩條新帶;引物s64在變異體t2203中擴增出兩條新帶,大小分別為980bp和550bp ;引物s118在變異體t2204擴增出一條480bp的新帶。

The pcr product was inserted into expression plasmid pet - 32a ( + ) after restriction digest . then the recombinant plasmid was identified by endonuclease analysis , pcr ampliation and dna sequencing . the report showed that the recombinant plasmid had right open reading frame 重組質粒經酶切鑒定, pcr鑒定和測序,結果證實豬肺炎支原體黏附因子p97基因的抗原決定簇r1區定向插入了質粒pet - 32a ( + ) ,且閱讀框架正確。

( 2 ) at translation level plant mutual sequence of starting translation aaca was added to start codon of t - pa gene by pcr ampliation and plant expression vector pbet was constructed ( 2 )在翻譯水平上通過pcr擴增的方式在t - pa基因起始密碼子處添加了植物翻譯起始共有序列aaca ,構建了植物表達載體pbet 。

2 . 4 affymetrix moe430a genechip analysis of expression pattern differences of undifferentiated escs and neural induced cells . 2 . 5 telomeric repeat ampliation protocol ( trap ) assays 2 . 4采用月升metrixmo以30a小鼠表達譜芯片進行未分化及分化后第4 、 10天細胞基因表達譜差異的分析。

We ' re talking 500 acres of hardware , cray super computers , ampliation chips 那里是占地五百畝的硬件,超級cray計算機目前最快,最貴的,擴充的芯片