
amphoteric adj.有酸堿兩性的。

amphotericin b

The technological developments of four types surfactants , anionic , nonionic , cationic and amphoteric surfactants , and two types raw materials are reviewed , and the development trend of surfactant industry is discussed 摘要綜述了陰離子、非離子、陽離子、兩性離子類表面活性劑及其兩種主要原料(直鏈烷基苯磺酸鹽、脂肪醇)的技術進展,概述了表面活性劑的發展方向。

Syntheses of amphoteric polyacrylamides are fully reviewed from the viewpoints of synthetic routes and polymerization process , and it ' s application is also simply introduced 摘要結合國內外研究情況,從技術路線和實施方法兩個角度著重闡述了制備兩性聚丙烯醯胺的方法,同時簡單介紹了其應用情況,并對今后的研究工作提出了一些建議。

The natural scientist pointed out that if in amphoteric enjoyment time not natural fantasy , very inaccessibility pleasant sensation high tide 性學家指出,如果在兩性歡娛之時沒有性幻想,很難達到快感的高潮。

Isoelectric focusing a technique used in electrophoresis to separate amphoteric molecules ( able to combine with either acids or bases ) 等電點聚焦:是一種利用電泳技術分離兩性分子(能與酸或堿結合)的技術。

The length of alkyl , carbon chain about betaine type amphoteric surfactant affects its surface activity and other properties 摘要甜菜堿表面活性劑的烷基碳鏈的長度對其表面活性及其它性質有不同程度的影響。

Reactions in liquid hf are known that illustrate also amphoteric behavior , solvolysis , or complex formation 已知在液態hf中,也能說明兩性行為溶劑分解或絡合物形成作用的反應。

Preparation of an amphoteric lignin flocculant and its decolorization performance research 兩性木質素絮凝劑的制備及脫色性能研究

Structure control of carboxyl pyridine - containing amphoteric ion exchange fibers 含羧基和吡啶基兩性離子交換纖維的結構控制

Cadmium adsorption characteristics in red soil modified with amphoteric modifier 兩性修飾劑修飾紅壤對鎘離子吸附的影響

Amphoteric polymeric material 丙烯聚合物材料

Amphiprotic amphoteric polymers 復合離子聚合物

Synthesis and properties study on amphoteric phosphate surfactants 磷酸酯兩性表面活性劑的合成及性能

Preparation of a novel amphoteric starch 一種新型兩性淀粉的制備方法

The interaction between dna and amphoteric surfactants 與兩性表面活性劑相互作用研究

Reactions in liquid hf are known that illustrate also amphoteric behavior, solvolysis, or complex formation . 已知在液態HF中,也能說明兩性行為溶劑分解或絡合物形成作用的反應。

Proteins behave either as acids or bases and are said to be amphoteric . 蛋白質習性又像酸又像堿,因此說它是兩性的。