
amphitheatre n.1.(古羅馬時代的)圓形劇場,競技場。2.階式劇場[...

The city workers were also given an audio - visual tour of london ' s only roman amphitheatre . study leader professor angela clow , from the university of westminster , said : “ measurement of cortisol in saliva is an effective way of quantifying a person ' s stress levels 此項研究的負責人,英國威斯敏斯特大學的安吉拉克洛教授對此表示: “通過測量唾液中的皮質醇濃度可以有效地判斷一個人的壓力水平。


The monte pincio seemed a vast amphitheatre filled with spectators ; the balconies of the two churches at the corner of the via del babuino and the via di ripetta were crammed ; the steps even seemed a parti - colored sea , that was impelled towards the portico ; every niche in the wall held its living statue 巴布諾街和立庇得街拐角上的兩座教堂的陽臺上也擠得滿滿的。臺階上象是一股雜色斑駁的海流,向門廊下拼命的擠,墻上每一年凹進去的地方都拱著活的雕像。

The city workers were also given an audio - visual tour of london ' s only roman amphitheatre . study leader professor angela clow , from the university of westminster , said : “ measurement of cortisol in saliva is an effective way of quantifying a person ' s stress levels 此項研究的負責人,英國威斯敏斯特大學的安吉拉克洛教授對此表示: “通過測量唾液中的皮質醇濃度可以有效地判斷一個人的壓力水平。

The college has four student hostels providing a total of 1 , 161 hostel places . the si yuan amphitheatre , which is another spectacular venue for outdoor gatherings and performance , is under construction and scheduled for completion in october 2005 而正在興建中的思源廣場將于二零零五年十月落成,為書院加添一處理想的戶外活動及表演場地,令聯合書院的文化、康樂生活更為豐富。

The place was entirely land - locked , buried in woods , the trees coming right down to high - water mark , the shores mostly flat , and the hill - tops standing round at a distance in a sort of amphitheatre , one here , one there 這個地方完全被陸地包圍著,被樹林所掩蔽,樹木一直長到滿潮時的水位。海灘非常的平坦,小山這兒一座那兒一座地矗立在一段距離之外,形成了個圓形劇場的形狀。

Facilities include a mini soccer pitch , cum a handball court , a basketball court , seven tennis courts , a service block , a children s playground , a lookout point , an amphitheatre , three artificial lakes with waterfalls , and a garden 13公頃,內有一個小型足球場暨手球場、一個籃球場、七個網球場、一座服務大樓、兒童游樂場、了望臺、露天劇場、三個瀑布人工湖及花園。

In recent years , the chinese university further benefited from generous donations from si yuan foundation , of which dr . chen serves as founding chairman . these donations brought into being the si yuan amenities centre and the si yuan amphitheatre in the united college 近年陳博士透過他成立的思源基金會復捐建思源文娛中心及思源廣場,對大學及書院持續地作出鉅大貢獻。

As it happens to thee in the amphitheatre and such places , that the continual sight of the same things and the uniformity make the spectacle wearisome , so it is in the whole of life ; for all things above , below , are the same and from the same 在圓形劇場里或其它類似的地方,同樣的事物反復出現使你覺得展示十分乏味,人的一生也是如此,天空、大地,都是一樣,都源自同一。

The smolensk high - road ran winding through that amphitheatre , intersecting it towards the left at the top , and passing through a village with a white church , which lay some five hundred paces before and below the knoll . this was borodino 斯摩棱斯克大路從左上方穿過圓形劇場,經過一座坐落在土崗前下方五百來步有白色教堂的村子這村子就是波羅底諾蜿蜒曲折地延伸著。

The park provides a wide range of facilities including a 1 . 2 long promenade , rest - gardens , sitting - out areas , a jogging trail with fitness stations , a cycling track and a 600 - seat amphitheatre 公園內提供多元化設施,包括一條1 . 2千米長的海濱步行徑、公園、休憩處、設有健身站的緩跑徑、單車徑及一個600座位的露天劇場。

American airlines arena ( home to the miami heat ) , bayside marketplace ( a waterfront shopping and dining destination ) and bayfront park ( an outdoor concert amphitheatre ) draw residents and visitors 美國航空體育館(邁阿密熱隊的主場) 、海灣市場(位于濱水區的購物餐飲勝地)和海濱公園(圓形露天音樂劇場)吸引著居民和游客前往。

Student performances including dance , magic show , christian choir and tae - kwondo were also shown at amphitheatre in the middle of the day , allowing visitors to taste the lively and colourful school life at hkbu 此外,學院亦在露天劇場安排了學生表演,包括舞蹈、魔術、基督徒合唱團及跆拳道,讓預科生感受大學的熱鬧氣氛。

In order to provide better facilities , the theatre underwent substantial improvement works in 1995 . in october 1996 , it was reopened and the amphitheatre was converted into an indoor one with a seating capacity of over 1 , 000 為了提供更完善的設備,劇場在一九九五年展開了多項改善工程,并于一九九六年十月重新開放。

The sun was a little on the left , and behind pierre , and in the pure , clear air , the huge panorama that stretched in an amphitheatre before him from the rising ground lay bathed in brilliant sunshine 透過明凈的稀薄的空氣,一輪太陽高懸在皮埃爾的左后方,明晃晃地照耀著面前像圓劇場一般隆起的廣闊的戰地全貌。

They carved out of the side of the stones and they carved amphitheatres and they carved homes and they carved the treasury which is the temple that is also known as the treasury 那是屬于nabataean的建筑,他們雕刻成那些宏偉的建筑物,還有競技場還有你能想像的每一樣東西,都是用石頭雕刻而成。

The well - preserved remains of the old city include , in particular , a large bridge over the guadiana , an amphitheatre , a theatre , a vast circus and an exceptional water - supply system 舊城遺址迄今完好,其中特別著名的有瓜迪亞納河上的大橋、圓形階梯劇場、劇院,大馬戲場和先進的供水系統。

He lifted his hand and opened his eyelids ; gazed blank , and with a straining effort , on the sky , and toward the amphitheatre of trees : one saw that all to him was void darkness 他抬起頭來,張開了眼瞼,吃力地空空地凝視著天空和樹蔭。你看得出來,對他來說一切都是黑洞洞的虛空。

The former amphitheatre was demolished and rebuilt with an air - conditioned foyer block housing rehearsal facilities , committee room , exhibition facilities and urbtix box office 經過改建的劇場,設計盡顯心思,設備全,是文化藝術表演匯聚之地,也是舉行社區活動的理想場地。

In the park , there are comprehensive facilities including a 1 . 2 km long promenade , an exhibition gallery , a jogging trail , a cycling path and a 600 - seat amphitheatre 園內設施應有盡有,包括長1 . 2千米的海濱步行徑、昆蟲屋、緩跑徑、單車徑及有600個座位的露天劇場。