
amphibolite n.【礦物】閃巖。

Detail mapping shows that the yagan mcc consists of crystallized metamorphic core ( low plate ) , detachment zone and upper plate . the metamorphic core consists of can be further subdivided into two level parts low - level high metamorphic and upper - level shallow metamorphic structural slice and between them there exists a ductile shear zone . thus the whole texture of the mcc is characterized by “ three layers and tow zones “ this reveals a process of extensional uplift of poly - level slices by poly ductile shear zones , a characteristics of poly - level extensional structural systems . the deformational environments change vertically in a sequence of high amphibolite facies 亞干變質核雜巖由下盤結晶巖系變質核、拆離帶和上盤巖系構成,其中,變質核由四個單位及許多花崗巖體(脈)組成,可進一步分為中深和中淺變質兩個構造單位(巖片) ,之間發育次級韌性拆離帶(花崗質糜棱巖帶) ,加上上盤總體構成“三層兩帶”的結構特點。


Detail mapping shows that the yagan mcc consists of crystallized metamorphic core ( low plate ) , detachment zone and upper plate . the metamorphic core consists of can be further subdivided into two level parts low - level high metamorphic and upper - level shallow metamorphic structural slice and between them there exists a ductile shear zone . thus the whole texture of the mcc is characterized by “ three layers and tow zones “ this reveals a process of extensional uplift of poly - level slices by poly ductile shear zones , a characteristics of poly - level extensional structural systems . the deformational environments change vertically in a sequence of high amphibolite facies 亞干變質核雜巖由下盤結晶巖系變質核、拆離帶和上盤巖系構成,其中,變質核由四個單位及許多花崗巖體(脈)組成,可進一步分為中深和中淺變質兩個構造單位(巖片) ,之間發育次級韌性拆離帶(花崗質糜棱巖帶) ,加上上盤總體構成“三層兩帶”的結構特點。

Based on the studies of petrotexture , structural deformation and the relevant metamorphism , this paper indicates that this peridotite massif is the product of ultramafic magma cumulated at the crust - mantle transtion zone and has undergone the early stage of plastic deformation under the condition of granulite facies ( 800 ) and late ductile shearing at amphibolite and greenschist facies in relevance to uplifting 本文通過巖體的結構、構造變形及相應的變質作用研究,提出了該橄欖巖體是由超基性巖漿在殼幔過渡帶結晶而成,并經歷了與圍巖一致的麻粒巖相( 800 )條件下的早期塑性變形以及角閃巖相和綠片巖相退化變質條件下與逆沖上升有關的韌性剪切變形。

According to representative section , tectono - stratigraphic unite , rock association character , beidahe group is divided a , b , c petrofabrics . the lithology of a petrofabric is amphibolite , gneiss interlated with schist , accidental marble . the lithology of b petrofabric is schist interlated with marble , quartzite 根據代表性剖面的研究,在構造巖石地層單位序列劃分變質地層的原則指導下,按變質巖石組合特征劃分了a 、 b 、 c三個巖組。

All these rocks aforementioned are mainly parametamorphic rocks . milan , kaqiang and alamasi group underwent high - grade metamorphism of amphibolite facies , together with weak migmatism . they share the same geochemistry and total ree and many other chracters 二者主要為副變質巖石,米蘭巖群和卡羌巖群、阿拉瑪斯巖群變質較深為角閃巖相,普遍弱混合巖化,它們具有非常相似的地球化學特征,稀土元素總量及其它特點一致或相近。

Subordinate are plagioclase granite dike , layered tonalite , tonalitic conglomeration dispersed in amphibolite , ultramafic rock and metabasalt etc . . plenty of igneous accumulated banding were discovered in amphibolite from nujinshan and bujing area some residual clinopyroxene also were found in a few of sample 超鎂鐵巖多為構造透鏡體分布于斷裂帶中,多蝕變為蛇紋石巖,在牛井山及布京一帶已發現并圈定了9個巖體(塊) 。

Based on the 1 : 50000 regional geological survey , the sertengshan rock group is revised , involving the schist and marble of low - amphibolite to high - greenschist facies , which are distributed in middle and west inner mongolia 摘要根據近年完成的1 : 5萬區域地質調查成果及綜合研究,將分布于內蒙古中部色爾騰山、大青山、西部烏拉特后旗以及阿拉坦敖包、疊布斯格等地的低角閃巖相高綠片巖相的片巖、大理巖系厘定為色爾騰山巖群。

Lots of information suggest that the metamorphism process of this area are from granulite facies to amphibolite facies and the retrograded metamorphic path is basically a cw nearly isothermal decompressional evolvement trend 各種信息表明本區的變質作用是由麻粒巖相退變到角閃巖相。退變質軌跡基本上是一個順時針近等溫減壓型演化趨勢。

The metamorphic process in the formation of garnet amphibolite along the china - pakistan highway profile , west kunlun orogenic belt 西昆侖造山帶中巴公路段石榴角閃巖形成的變質地質過程

Hornblende bearing varieties bridge the gap over to amphibolites which are in bands and dikes . 含角閃石的變種填補了帶狀和脈狀角閃巖的中間相。