
amphibole n.【礦物】閃石。


In the course , the condition and the process of forming and changing of minerals , the typomorphic features of minerals , the characteristics of the distribution and the evolution of minerals and their paragenetic associations in the period and the space , the methods of mineral analyses and research , the geological thermometers and the geologicial barometers of minerals , mineral paragenetic associations and paragenesis analyses will be introduced , and the magnificent and the microscopic genetic characteristics of pyrite , quartz , garnet , pyroxene , amphibole , mica , feldspar , and other minerals will be dealt with particularly 本課程主要講述礦物及其共生組合的形成和變化的條件和過程,不同物理化學條件下礦物的成分、結構、形態、物性等標型特征以及它們之間的內在聯系,礦物及其共生組合在時間上和空間上的分布和演化規律,礦物成分、結構、形貌、物性等的分析測試方法,礦物地質溫度計和地質壓力計對其形成環境的表征,不同體系(封閉體系、開放體系)條件下,礦物的穩定范圍和彼此替代順序的共生分析,重點介紹黃鐵礦、石英、石榴石、輝石、角閃石、云母、長石等礦物(族)在成因上的宏觀標志和微觀信息,以及其成因信息在成巖作用和成礦作用中的地質意義。

Besides , the legislation of criminal scout behavior is amphiboles , also with the improper setting mode of governor organization and the procedural deficiency in criminal scout . only one kinds of criterion of distinguishing the public security organ ’ s double behaviors is not enough to answer the question and to solve the problem that these two kinds of behaviors making confusion with each other . so it is necessary to define its theoretical base further and erect some correlative mechanism to make easy for the body to distinguish double behaviors automatically and consequently to guarantee each of these double behaviors goes to its own legal orbit 至于如何真正將公安雙重行為分辨清楚,切實有效解決公安雙重行為相互混淆的問題,僅提出一個分辨標準是遠遠不夠的,這只可能解決了能辨的問題;因此,還需進一步明晰其理論基礎并完善和構建相關機制,使之易辨,并促使行為主體主動去辨,從而保證公安雙重行為在各自法定的軌道上正常運行。

Amphibole - cholrite schist 閃綠泥片巖

Standard test method for sampling amphibole asbestos 角閃石石棉取樣的標準試驗方法

Olivine has been completely altered to serpentine, talc, and amphibole in the bore-hole examined in detail . 鉆芯詳細檢查的結果,橄欖石全部蝕變為蛇紋石、滑石及角閃石。

Amphiboles are related to the pyroxenes, forming double chains, again being held together by cations . 角閃石類與輝石類有關,構成雙鏈,也是被陽離子聯系在一起的。

In amphibole asbestos the constituent atoms are arranged in chain-like conformation . 在閃石類石棉中,組成的原子呈鏈狀排列。