
amphibious adj.1.兩棲的。2.水陸兩用的。3.有雙重性格的。短...


Guided by a member of the supreme master ching hai chinese amphibious rescue association , young fellow initiates venture upstream hand - in - hand , sometimes creeping forward on their chests 青少年同修在救援隊隊員的指導下,于湍急的河流中手拉著手體驗溯溪前進或匍匐前進的驚險樂趣。

In the eyes of the germans , allied bombardment , airborne assaults and amphibious attacks were only feints and the allied intended location of offensive would be in calais 在這些德國將領眼里,盟軍在諾曼底的轟炸、空降、以及兩棲登陸只不過是一些誘餌,而其真正的登陸地點將在加萊。

General allen said a second navy task force led by the amphibious assault ship the bonhomme richard had entered the indian ocean monday to join in operations off sumatra 艾倫將軍說,由海陸兩棲戰艦理查德號率領的第二支救援艦隊在星期一進入印度洋,加入蘇門達臘海岸的援救工作。

Taiwan has knox - class frigates for anti - submarine warfare and to protect sea lines of communication , and m - 60a3 tanks and armed helicopters to counter an amphibious invasion 不過其中有一項新的因素:這是美國總統第一次在中國的土地上,在公開場合提到這些原則。

After comparing all kinds of vehicle navigation system , the thesis use dead reckoning as the way of military amphibious vechicle position and direction 論文在對多種車輛定位定向原理進行研究和比較的基礎上,選擇航位推算方法來實現軍用兩棲作戰車的定位定向。

Britain ' s newest amphibious car took a test drive on wednesday , zooming back and forth across the waters of the thames river in pure james bond style 英國最新水陸兩棲跑車于周三進行了運行測試,跑車高速往返于泰晤士河面上,極具影星詹姆士邦德之風采。

The china amphibious rescue team formed by fellow initiates in formosa quickly proceeded to the bai - fu community near wu - du in keelung to undertake rescue work 由福爾摩沙同修所組成的中華兩棲救援隊,迅速前往基隆五堵一帶的百福社區,進行救災工作。

They were to take the communication networks , ferry ports , bridges and other facilities in the landing zone to coordinate the amphibious assaults 這些傘兵的任務是奪取交通樞紐、渡口、橋梁以及其他重要設施,全面配合沿海一線的兩棲登陸作戰。

If china were to build or purchase an aircraft carrier , such an asset would enable it to provide increased air defense and support for amphibious operations 如果中國興建或購買航空母艦,這些資產將使它能夠提供更多的防空作戰、支援兩棲作戰

Jung chang - ha said that in formosa , where the association s headquarters is located , the disaster response team is even equipped with amphibious vehicles 鄭昌廈代表說道,世界會的總部位于福爾摩沙,當地的救難隊甚至備有水陸兩用車。

The inaugural ceremony of the chinese amphibious rescue society will be broadcast in serial no . 45 of the tv program a journey through aesthetic realms 藝術與靈性第45集節目中有中華兩棲救援協會成立大會的實況報導,歡迎上網觀賞:

Members of the supreme master ching hai chinese amphibious rescue association sit in meditation while on standby to carry out rescue missions should the need arise 清海無上師中華兩棲救援協會的隊員在等待救援行動時禪坐入定。

September 8 , 2002 : all 26 members of the supreme master ching hai chinese amphibious rescue association take leave of their jobs to be on standby at hsichih 26名救災員都是上班族,汐止英雄備而不用,納莉救援印象,永生難忘。

I had this happen thrice : amphibious assaults of obsolete units without the amphibious promotion , resulting in mass suicide 我已經三次發現這種情況了:用沒有晉升過兩棲作戰的老舊部隊進行兩棲登陸攻擊,造成大批量的自殺。

Members of the chinese amphibious rescue society save many lives with their amphibious vehicle , but claim no credit despite gratitude from victims 駕著水陸兩用車中華兩棲救援協會救起許多災民道謝不居功

Named the detroit fish for it ' s amphibious abilities , the car looks a bit like a four - passenger version of the piece of cloud also on display 其外觀看起來像是展出中另一輛名叫“我是一片云”的四門升級版。

Well - trained members of the chinese amphibious rescue association cross a river with ropes . photo by reporter hsieh wu - hsiung 中華兩棲救援協會隊員們訓練有素地以繩索橫渡河流記者謝武雄攝

United daily news : all members of this amphibious rescue team are pure vegetarians . reporter hsieh wu - hsiung , fuhsing Tvbs - n三立與大愛等有線電視臺,均在當晚新聞時段,重點播報此活動。

1910 christopher cockerell , british engineer and inventor of the amphibious hovercraft , was born at cambridge 英國工程師、水陸兩用氣墊船發明家克里斯托弗?科克雷爾生于劍橋。