
amphetamine n.【藥學】氨基丙苯,苯基丙胺,安非他命〔解除憂郁、疲勞...

She related her awkwardness to a break - up with her boyfriend , or perhaps to earlier experiments with drugs - “ mostly cannabis , but some amphetamines and lsd “ 她認為她的心理障礙與她同男友分手有關,或者可能是她早年嘗試毒品的結果? “主要是大麻,不過還有一些安非他明和lsd (麥角酸二乙基酰胺) 。 ”

In that city it is estimated there are 8 , 000 who “ shoot up “ amphetamines 據估計那個城市有8000人靜脈注射麻醉藥安非他明。

In that city it is estimated there are8 , 000 who “ shoot up “ amphetamines 據估計那個城市有8000人靜脈注射麻醉藥安非他明。


Slimming drugs commonly used appetite inhibitors , these drugs through the hypothalamus to influence diet and the central body of the excitement and inhibition play appetite , patients readily accept diet therapy , such as amphetamine - type ; metandienone increase metabolism , is to promote metabolism , so the body ' s adipose tissue accumulation by gradually eliminate , such as thyroid hormone ; biguanides hypoglycemic agents , the drugs in the treatment of diabetes , patients can cause loss of appetite , this is the side effects , but the drug has reduced the cumulative amount of fat and suppress appetite , delaying or reducing gastrointestinal absorption of the sugar , increase fecal fat and he substances excreted , speaking on obesity and is beneficial side 常用減肥藥物有食欲抑制劑,這類藥物是通過對下丘腦飲食中樞發生影響以及對全身的興奮而起到食欲抑制作用,使病人易于接受飲食療法,如苯丙胺類;增加代謝類藥,是促進機體代謝,使體內蓄積的脂肪組織逐漸消除,如甲狀腺激素;雙胍類降血糖藥,本類藥物在治療糖尿病時,可引起病人食欲不振,本是副作用,但此藥有降低脂肪積存量的作用,抑制食欲,延緩或減少胃腸道對糖分的吸收,增加糞便中脂肪及其他物質的排泄,對肥胖者來說恰是有利的一面。

They were questioned about their use of cannabis , amphetamines , ecstasy , lsd , tranquilizers and alcohol . the teenagers also filled in questionnaires about their relationship with their parents and grandparents , how well they were supervised after school and whether they were allowed to meet friends at home 此外,這些接受調查的青少年還填寫了關于自己和父母以及祖父母關系的調查表,問題涉及的內容主要是關于放學后家人對他們的監督情況以及是否允許他們在家里接待朋友等等。

Opium , morphine , heroin , methadone , narcotic analgesics , cannabis , lsd , cocaine , ketamine , gamma hydroxybutyric acid ( ghb ) , amphetamine ( e . g . methylamphetamine , ecstasy , phentermine ( duromine ) ) , benzodiazepine ( e . g . chlordiazepoxide ( librium ) , midazolam ( dormicum ) , estazolam , flunitrazepam ( rohypnol ) , triazolam , nimetazepam , diazepam ( valium ) ) , zopiclone , barbiturate ( e . g . quinalbarbitone ) , methaqualone ( mandrax ) , hallucinogen , depressant , stimulant or tranquillizer (俗稱綠豆仔) 、咪達唑侖(俗稱藍精靈) 、舒樂安定、氟硝西泮(俗稱十字架) 、三唑侖、硝甲西泮、安定(俗稱羅氏五號、羅氏十號) ) 、佐匹克隆、巴比士酸鹽(如速可巴比妥、甲?酮(俗稱忽得) )及其他迷幻劑、鎮抑劑、興奮劑及鎮靜劑。

To refuse to take the scheduled semi - annual medical examination , or be unsuitable for the work assigned in according to his / her physical or mental status , suffer from any notified diseases or death or pregnancy ; or to be found that illegally use of morphine / amphetamine 受聘雇期間,拒絕接受定期健康檢查或其身心狀況無法勝任所指派之工作或罹患法定傳染病或死亡者或懷孕者,或經發現為嗎啡或安非他命藥物非法使用者。

Cocaine is a white powdery drug obtained from the leaves of the coca bush . it is the most powerful naturally derived stimulant and has properties similar to amphetamines . cocaine is distributed in two main forms ; cocaine hydrochloride powder and crack cocaine 可卡因為一種白色粉末的麻醉劑,由古柯樹叢的葉子提煉而成,是各類以天然植物提煉而成的興奮劑之中,藥力最強的一種,具有與安非他明相若的特性。

Let me talk a little about these two countries . in burma , despite continued reductions in poppy cultivation , burma remains the world s second largest producer of illicit opium and is among the world s largest producers and traffickers of amphetamine - type stimulants 南希?鮑威爾在新聞發布會上指出,緬甸盡管罌粟種植繼續減少,但仍是世界上第二大非法鴉片生產國,也是全世界最大的安非他明(

They asked two groups of experts - psychiatrists specializing in addiction and legal or police officials with special expertise - to assign scores to 20 drugs , including heroin , cocaine , ecstasy , amphetamines and lsd 他們讓兩組專家給20種藥打分,這些藥包括海洛因、可卡因、搖頭丸、苯異丙胺和麥角酸二乙基酰胺( lsd ) ,兩組專家分別是專攻成癮性的精神病學家以及在司法或警務方面有特殊專長的人。

Amphetamines cause psychological and physical dependence easily . withdrawal symptoms of amphetamines including extreme fatigue , weakness , sometimes loss of sleep , irritation , anxiety , loss of coordination , depression and suicidal tendency 由于冰會令人產生極強的依賴性,吊癮時會感覺非常疲倦、混身酸軟、睡眠失調、暴躁、焦慮、動作協調因難、抑郁或有自殺念頭。

Methamphetamines ( meth ) produce more potent , longer lasting and more harmful effects to the central nerous system than other members of the amphetamine drug class at comparable doses , according to the national institute of drug abuse 脫氧麻黃堿效果更強,對中樞神經系統較其它安非他明藥物相比,相當劑量下,效果更強持續時間長,這好似國家藥物濫用研究所的報道。

In addition , the 2003 data showed that more than 14 percent of hemorrhagic strokes and 14 percent of ischemic strokes were caused by abuse of drugs , including amphetamines , cocaine , cannabis ( marijuana ) and tobacco 此外, 2003年數據顯示超過14 %出血性卒中和14 %缺血性卒中是由藥物濫用引起的,這包括安非他明,可卡因,大麻和煙草。

In contrast to amphetamine , which mimics only the positive symptoms of the disease , pcp induces symptoms that resemble the full range of schizophrenia ' s manifestations : negative and cognitive and , at times , positive Pcp與只會引起正性癥狀的安非他命不同,它引發了全套的精神分裂癥狀,包括負性以及認知方面,有時也出現正性癥狀。

Increasing rates of amphetamine and cocaine usage by young adults significantly boost their risk of stroke , with amphetamine abuse associated with the greatest risk , researchers at ut southwestern medical center report 年輕人使用安非他明和可卡因可顯著增加中風的幾率,安非他命濫用的風險最大,猶他西南醫療中心的研究者報道。

Boarders are forbidden to bring any dangerous objects or drugs into the dorms , including fuel , arsenic , thallium , mdma , or amphetamines . furthermore , pets are not allowed in the dorms 九、住宿學生不得攜帶任何危險及違禁物品,例如汽油、砷、鉈等傷害力較強之物品或搖頭丸、安非他命等毒品進入宿舍,或在宿舍內飼養寵物。

Boarders are forbidden to being any dangerous things or drugs into the dorms , such as fuel , arsenic , thallium , amphetamine . furthermore , pets are not allowed to bring into the dorms , either 住宿學生不得攜帶任何危險及違禁物品,例如汽油,砷,鉈等傷害力較強之物品或搖頭丸,安非他命等毒品進入宿舍,或在宿舍內飼養寵物

The underlying mechanism in the majority of such patients has been related to coronary spasm , including in those with amphetamine abuse , in whom the coronary arteriogram was always found normal 而且大部分病例中,其發生的機轉與冠狀動脈痙攣有關,包括安非他命濫用者,其冠狀動脈攝影通常都是正常。

She related her awkwardness to a break - up with her boyfriend , or perhaps to earlier experiments with drugs - “ mostly cannabis , but some amphetamines and lsd “ 她認為她的心理障礙與她同男友分手有關,或者可能是她早年嘗試毒品的結果? “主要是大麻,不過還有一些安非他明和lsd (麥角酸二乙基酰胺) 。 ”