
ampersand n.(= and) 的名稱 〔原為 and per se...

Text property is set to “ print , “ adding an ampersand before the letter “ p “ causes the letter “ p “ to be underlined in the button text at run time 屬性設為“ print ” ,則在字母“ p ”前添加“ & ”符會使得字母“ p ”在運行時的按鈕文本中帶有下劃線。


If this action is part of a jsp page generating html or xml content , then the ampersand in the middle of this string of characters may end up being interpreted as an html or xml control character and interrupt the rendering or parsing of this content 如果這個操作是生成html或xml內容的jsp頁面的一部分,那么,這個字符串中間的“ & ”符號最終可能被解釋為html或xml控制字符,從而妨礙了對該內容的顯示或解析。

Turns off processing of prefix characters . typically , the ampersand mnemonic - prefix character is interpreted as a directive to underscore the character that follows , and the double - ampersand mnemonic - prefix characters as a directive to print a single ampersand 通常, “ and ”符( & )助記鍵前綴字符被解釋為為緊跟的字符添加下劃線的指令,雙“ and ”符( & & )助記鍵前綴字符被視為打印單個“ and ”符( & )的指令。

If you are using the microsoft dns service on your network , you can use a wider variety of characters , including unicode characters and other nonstandard characters such as the ampersand ( & ) 如果網絡上使用了microsoftdns服務,那么還可以使用范圍更廣的字符,包括unicode字符和其他非標準字符,例如&符等。

Remember that each additional parameter must be expressed using the format key value and that multiple parameters must be separated by the ampersand character 請記住,必須使用< key > = < value >格式來表示每個其它的參數,必須使用&字符來分隔多個參數。

This property will not return a mnemonic if two ampersand characters are placed together as the ampersands are used to display an ampersand in the text of the 的文本中顯示一個“ & ”符而不是定義助記符時將它們放在一起,則此屬性將不返回助記鍵。

Text property is set to “ print , “ adding an ampersand before the letter “ p “ causes the letter “ p “ to be underlined in the button text at run time 屬性設為“ print ” ,則在字母“ p ”前添加“ & ”符會使得字母“ p ”在運行時的按鈕文本中帶有下劃線。

Type an ampersand before one of the letters in the tool name to create an accelerator key for the command when it appears on the tools menu 在工具名稱的某個字母前鍵入一個“ and ”符( & )可以創建該工具在“工具”菜單上顯示的對應命令的快捷鍵。

A general entity is inserted into the body of an xml document by preceding it with an ampersand and following it with a semi - colon , as in 通過在通用實體前加( & )符號并在其后加分號( ; ) ,可以將通用實體插入到xml文檔的主體部分,如下所示:

Make sure you don ' t mistake the boolean and operator , & & ( double ampersand ) for the bitwise and operator & ( single ampersand ) . they are entirely different beasts 確定你沒有錯誤的使用邏輯和操作符& &和位操作符& ,它們是完全不同的。

A character entity has three parts : an ampersand ( & ) , an entity name or a # and an entity number , and finally a semicolon ( ; ) 一個實體字符有三個部分:一個( & )符號,一個特殊符號名稱或一個#加上一個特殊數字,最后是一個分號( ; ) 。

A character entity has three parts : an ampersand ( & ) , an entity name or a # and an entity number , and finally a semicolon ( ; ) 一個特殊字符有三個部分:一個( & )符號,一個特殊符號名稱或一個#加上一個特殊數字,最后是一個分號( ; ) 。

Box on the shortcut menu , and type a name for the toolbar button with an ampersand before the letter that you want as the keyboard accelerator 框中,鍵入工具欄按鈕的名稱,并在要用作鍵盤快捷鍵的字母前添加“ and ”符( & ) 。

Box on the shortcut menu , type a name for the toolbar button with an ampersand before the letter that you want as the keyboard accelerator 框,鍵入工具欄按鈕的名稱,并在要用作鍵盤快捷鍵的字母前添加“ and ”符。

Box on the shortcut menu , type a name for the menu command with an ampersand before the letter that you want as the keyboard accelerator 框中,鍵入菜單命令的名稱,并在要用作鍵盤快捷鍵的字母前添加“ and ”符( & ) 。

Property for the menu command , enter an ampersand before the letter you want to be underlined as the access key 屬性時,在您要為其加上下劃線以作為訪問鍵的字母前面輸入一個“ and ”符( & ) 。例如,鍵入& open

This may occur if you bind a label control to a field in a recordset where the data includes ampersands 如果將標簽( label )控件綁定到記錄集內的字段而該字段中的數據包含“ & ”符時,可能會發生這種情況。

For example , if you wanted to add another parameter , just append it onto the url and separate parameters with the ampersand 比如,如果需要增加另一個參數,只需要將其附加到url中并用“與” (

To create an underlined access key , includes an ampersand before the letter that will be the access key . set the 若要創建帶下劃線的訪問鍵,請在將要成為訪問鍵的字母前加一個“ and ”符( & ) 。