
amperage n.安培數,電流量。


The test shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the owner that the equipment meets all specified performance criteria , is properly installed and anchored , and operates smoothly throughout the specified speed range without exceeding the full load amperage rating of the motor or excessive motor heating 測試應該讓用戶滿意,證明這些設備符合所有規定的性能標準,經過正確的安裝和錨固,在額定轉速范圍內運行平穩,沒有超過電機的額定滿負荷運轉電流安培數,或發生電機過熱。

This article introduces the features of the high - amperage prebaked aluminum cell at the initial production stage , and based on the results of successful experiments in some smelter , puts up the process parameters settings for the initial production startup stage of high - amperage prebaked cell to realize the high efficiency , energy saving , low consumption , environmental protection and long life of the cell 摘要文章介紹了大型預焙鋁電解槽生產初期的特點,根據在某鋁廠進行成功試驗的結果提出了在大型預焙電解槽生產啟動初期的工藝參數的設置,以達到電解槽高效、節能、低耗、環保、高槽壽命的目的。

The increasing proportion of distributed generation ( dg ) in power system will deeply affect the distribution network structure , the amperage , direction , and distribution of short - circuit current in the existing distribution network , and will thus affect the operation and control of the distribution network 摘要大量分布式發電的并網運行將深刻影響現有配電網絡的結構、以及配電網中短路電流的大小、流向及分布,由此給配電網的運行與控制帶來多方面的影響。

Thorium tungsten electrode is the most commonly used tungsten in america and some other countries and is a good general use tungsten . especially , it performs well when overloaded with extra amperage 釷鎢電極使用很普遍,釷元素雖具有低輻射性,但它相對純鎢來說,已經體現出重要的改進性能。

One could hypothesize a metric of current flow for time , a form of temporal amperage 當然我們可以假設有一種度規可以測量時間之流,它之于時間就好像安培數之于電流。

Units with amperage draw of 48 amps or more require factory installed internal fusing 電流安培數超過48安培的熱水器需要在工廠安裝內置保險絲。

Units with amperage draw of 120 amps or more require factory installed internal fusing 安培值超過120以上的熱水器需要在工廠配置內置保險絲。

Recommended for amperage 推薦的電流安培值

Attention : use thicker cable as amperage is 19 - times ( 19x ) higher 注意:盡量用加粗的電纜,因為安培數有19倍之高。

Switch for high and low - amperage welding 電流強弱可二段式大調。