
amp 短語和例子AMP =1.adenosine monoph...

“ i used to freak out when my amp caught on fire . now i kinda dig the tone . 我彈吉他激動的時候習慣亂彈,現在我有了點基調。

“ you seem to be having a problem with your bass amp . i can hear it ! 看來你的低音吉他有些問題,我聽得出來!

“ you seem to be having a problem with your bass amp . i can hear it ! 你的低音吉他有些問題,我聽得出來!

“ turn that amp up my ears are barely bleeding . 吉他再大聲點,我的耳朵幾乎要流血了。


The effects of mgso4 on the heart rate and amp of the rabbit in hemorrhagic shock 硫酸鎂對失血性休克家兔的血壓和心率的影響

“ i used to freak out when my amp caught on fire . now i kinda dig the tone . 我彈吉他激動的時候習慣亂彈,現在我有了點基調。

China investigation amp 中國勘察設計

Pacific link launched its digital - amps mobile telephone service in october 訊聯在十月推出數字式- amps制式的流動電話服務。

Industrial technology amp 工業技術經濟

A totally general analysis of the op - amp is beyond the scope of some texts 對運算放大器進行詳盡地分析超出了本書的范圍。

Influence of high voltage electric field on the cyclic amp in the serum of rabbits 高壓電場對家兔血漿中環磷酸腺苷的影響

Marine geology amp 海洋地質與第四紀地質

Amps acid mucopolysaccharide 酸性粘多糖

Low - range volts , amps 低范圍電流壓,電流

High range volts , amps 高范圍電流壓,電流

Research of yunnan amp 滇越交通貿易之研究

Are you smart enough to figure out how to use a $ . 30 op amp instead 你是否足夠聰明能知道如何用0 . 3美元的運放來代替?

Manufacturing technology amp 制造技術與機床

By 2000 amp ' s cabling sales had kept annual growing over 20 % 2000年以前, amp的銷售額一直以不低于20 %的速度增長。