
amoy n.(舊時歐美人所習稱的)廈門〔中國〕。


This was expected to include joining the department s analysis of the amoy gardens outbreak , among other issues 小組預計會與?生署一同分析淘大花園的爆發及其他事項。

Our brands , such as amoy and seagull , are well known and trusted by our consumers everywhere 公司旗下的“淘大” 、 “海鷗”品牌為深受消費者熟悉和信賴的市場領導品牌。

The situation in amoy gardens has however stabilised , with only 8 new cases from 14 to 16 april 不過,淘大花園的情況現已趨于穩定,由4月14日至16日,只有8宗新個案。

Covering 13 , 300 sq - m area , g & p locates on the amoy export and import processing zone in haicang area 公司占地面積達到了13 , 300平方米,位于廈門市海滄進出口加工區。

Covering 13 , 300 sq - m area , tpk locates on the amoy export and import processing zone in haicang area 公司占地面積達到了13 , 300平方米,位于廈門市海滄進出口加工區。

Footbridges of telford plaza linking kowloon bay mtr ngau tau kok road of amoy plaza wang hoi road 連接德?廣場與九灣地鐵站淘大商場對出的牛頭角道宏開道的行人天橋

We did not find any evidence of sewage leakage or any of the problems that we saw in the amoy gardens 所以今次的同事做了一個比較詳細的調查,不過現時還未完成。

Main findings of an investigation into the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome at amoy gardens 淘大花園爆發嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合癥事件主要調查結果

Ex - sars patients in the amoy gardens also experienced difficulties in workplace or schools 非典康復者在恢復上班或上學后,都有可能遇到不公平的對待。

1 meanwhile , the high percentage in kwun tong district was mainly due to the cases in amoy gardens 1此外,觀塘區的百分比較高,主要是由于淘大花園的個案。

Some residents have indicated wishes to return to their homes in amoy gardens as soon as possible 有部分居民表示希望盡快返回淘大花園寓所。

They would also meet with some seven representatives of the amoy gardens residents association 他們亦會與約七名淘大花園居民組織代表會面。

The fehd has also taken pest control measures in amoy gardens and the surrounding area 食環署亦在淘大花園及鄰近地方進行防治蟲鼠的工作。

Amoy super bowl 淘大超級保

5 . as of 15 april , there were a total of 321 sars cases in amoy gardens 5 .截至4月15日,淘大花園共有321宗嚴重急性呼吸道綜合癥個案。

Prospect of the future management system of project invested from amoy city planning 4 、展望未?廈門市政府投資工程項目的管理體制。

Amoy - dialect films 潮語片片目

As of 15 april , there were a total of 321 sars cases in amoy gardens 截至4月15日,淘大花園共有321宗嚴重急性呼吸道綜合癥個案。

Antileak seal ltd . , amoy at ecthai . com - an e - commerce gateway in thailand 恩銳克密封廈門有限公司泰國電子商務途徑ecthai . com