
amour n.〔法語〕私通;不正當的戀愛事件。 have an a...

But because of the differences amour the variation countries “ tax system , not only the detailed degree varies in the different aspect , but also in the same aspect , and therefore the multinational taxpayer is forced to precede the international tax planning in an extremely complicated condition 但是由于各國稅收制度存在著很大差異,不僅在不同的方面規定的詳盡程度不一,即使在同一個方面也很可能有不一致的規定,因此使得跨國納稅人進行國際稅收籌劃變得極為復雜。

It s very difficult to describe what i know , just as it s difficult to describe love . we say “ love “ , we say “ amour “ , we say “ liebe “ , but it s not the real language of love 很難描述我所知道的,就好像很難描述愛一樣,我們說愛,或說amour法文的愛,或說liebe德文的愛,可是這些都不是真正愛的語言,只有相愛的人才會知道真正愛的語言。

Silver fish bones earrings . with “ amour “ printed on the spine of the small bone . for pierced ears only 獨特的魚骨頭設計,每只耳環由兩根大小不一的銀質魚骨組成,在小的那根魚骨的上面,刻有“ amour ”字樣。

A french actress arrives in hiroshima to begin work on the remake of “ hiroshima mon amour . 法國女演員來到廣島,準備參與廣島之戀的重拍工作。


Hui from the acae department . while currently most computer games often resort to equip characters with heavy amour or tight clothes to simplify the characters movements , the new technique allows designers to dress characters in long gowns or robes using a model that resembles the wavy movements of the real cloth . curvair also provides a series of characters , models of chinese buildings , and a facial expression editor for easy construction of computer games in chinese style 弧飛系統在角色塑造時采用了中大自動化與計算機輔助工程學系許健泉教授研發的技術雙曲線軸心表示法( curve - pair based axial representation )來模擬衣服布幔的移動,角色無需再以硬繃繃的盔甲示人,除可輕易創造出如小女一般有飄逸衣服效果的角色,弧飛包含了一系列工具有助游戲設計員快捷地打造出華麗的中國式宮廷建筑、古代英雄及其表情等等。

At first we make a conclusion that taking tax planning is the rights of tax payer , then we talk about the necessary to limit it . in this part we discuss the legal boundary through some kinds of concrete methods , it include the transfer price amour the multinational company , procure foreign company , establish subsidiary , establish cent company 文章首先肯定進行國際稅收籌劃是納稅人應有的權利,然后闡述了對其加以適當限制的必要性,該部份重點結合幾種常用的具體的跨國公司進行國際稅收籌劃的方法一一探討了其法律界限,這些方法包括跨國集團內部間轉讓定價、收購外國公司、建立子公司、設立分公司等。

But because of the differences amour the variation countries “ tax system , not only the detailed degree varies in the different aspect , but also in the same aspect , and therefore the multinational taxpayer is forced to precede the international tax planning in an extremely complicated condition 但是由于各國稅收制度存在著很大差異,不僅在不同的方面規定的詳盡程度不一,即使在同一個方面也很可能有不一致的規定,因此使得跨國納稅人進行國際稅收籌劃變得極為復雜。

Another little interesting point , the amours of whores and chummies , to put it in common parlance , reminded him irish soldiers had as often fought for england as against her , more so , in fact 另外一個有趣的小問題打個通俗的比方,猶如妓女和掃煙囪小伙子相好就是愛爾蘭兵替英國打仗的次數和與英國敵對的次數一樣多,老實說,前者還更多一些。

It s very difficult to describe what i know , just as it s difficult to describe love . we say “ love “ , we say “ amour “ , we say “ liebe “ , but it s not the real language of love 很難描述我所知道的,就好像很難描述愛一樣,我們說愛,或說amour法文的愛,或說liebe德文的愛,可是這些都不是真正愛的語言,只有相愛的人才會知道真正愛的語言。

When the girls came home for the summer holidays of 1913 , when hilda was twenty and connie eighteen , their father could see plainly that they had had the love experience . l amour avait poss par l , as somebody puts it 一九一三年暑假她們回家的時候,那時希爾達二十歲,康妮十八歲,她們的父親便看出這婉妹倆已有了愛的經驗了。

Among his most famous songs are amour , only thinking of going through life with you and the everlasting goodbye kiss which confirms his status as one of the four heavenly kings of cantopop 這條座右銘,是張學友14年前在歌唱電影事業跌入谷底,心情最是沮喪,看盡人生繁華悟盡人情冷暖之際,自己體察出來的一段道理。

She derived much amusement from the stories and the amours and the jealousies which inflamed the female customers without hindering their appetites in the slightest degree 她在那里津津有味地聽人講一些故事愛情趣聞和爭風吃醋的事。女客們都興致盎然地聽著,但她們還是照樣吃東西。

Forty - eight years later , the critics who dismissed the film are forgotten and the cult of ray s sleek , eruptively colourful tale of gangsterland amour fou lives on 四十八年后的今日,否定這部電影的言論早已被忘記,但雷氏黑幫世界里的大膽,斑斕與狂熱的風格,依然被延續下去。

It is common that the very needy students hold amour - propre vanity that must be harmful to their growth , their families and the society 在高校特困生中一定程度上廣泛存在著虛榮心理,這不僅直接影響了特困生的健康成長,而且會對家庭、社會造成很大的痛苦和危害。

Leslie wrote a thrilling chapter here , as the opera star whose concentration on art and amour blinkered him from political eruptions 張國榮以一個心如鹿撞、陶醉舞臺而對政治局勢無動于中的京劇男旦寫下扣人心弦一章。

This tennis term is not very lovely for the players . but , no matter ; the word ' s origin has nothing at all to do with amour 這個網球術語對參賽者來說不太招人愛。然而,沒關系,這個字眼的起源與愛情毫無關系。

Silver fish bones earrings . with “ amour “ printed on the spine of the small bone . for pierced ears only 獨特的魚骨頭設計,每只耳環由兩根大小不一的銀質魚骨組成,在小的那根魚骨的上面,刻有“ amour ”字樣。

In the event of claim the assured shall provide the underwriters with evidence of the amours insured under all other insurance 若被保險人提出索賠,須向保險人提供所有其他保險的保險金額的證據。

Messing around with people s heart and true amour , sending them to the abyss of a trusting courtship ? let me tell you 難道你以為可以長生不死玩弄人的真愛真心從信誓的情緣推他們進入深淵?