
amount vi.1.總計,共計,合計 (to)。2.相當于,等于。...


A nuclear reactor generates prodigious amounts of heat . 一座核反應堆能發出巨大的熱量。

His answer amounts to a threat . 他的回答等于恐嚇。

It's a large amount of money . 這是一筆巨額的款子。

It does not amount to a logical proof of the statement . 它還不是這個論題的邏輯證明。

The money collected fell short of the amount required . 籌集的資金沒達到所需的數額。

We had raised a significant amount of new money . 我們已經籌措了數量可觀的新的款項。

You'll never amount to anything . 你永遠也成不了器。

His answer amounts to a refusal . 他的回答等于拒絕。

No amount of scrubbing helped . 無論怎么刷都洗不掉。

He can get any amount of help . 他能得到大量的幫助。

That amount of money won't be enough , not by a long chalk . 那筆金額是差得太遠了。

A certain amount of malice kept him in condition . 因而有時也就會鬧出一些惡作劇來。

She has a fair amount of money put by . 她存了不少錢。

No difficulty amounts to much . 再大的困難也不在話下。

And why had the amount of credit disbursed declined ? 那么,信貸支付額為何會下降?

The fall of rain last month amounted to seven inches . 上個月的降雨量共計七英寸。

This is the amount of what he said . 這是他所說的要點。

He had that amount of money on him . 他身上帶著這筆錢。

The amount of light available in a barn should be noted . 應當注意畜舍的采光量。