
amongst 〔書面語〕 = among.

“you've made me what i am amongst you,“ he seemed to say; “now put up with me. “ “你們這些人已經把我弄成了這么一副模樣了,”他似乎在說:“現在擔待我一些吧。”


Politicians are always arguing amongst themselves 政客們總是彼此爭論不休

I was amongst those challenged with the deed 在事情發展的過程中,我見證了那些爭論。

Well , then can ' t we lose them amongst those shoals 那為什么不逃進那片沙洲甩掉他們?

Amongst them is granger , the leader of the group 在他們之中的格蘭杰,是集團的首領。

A information technology penetration amongst households 1全港所有住戶中,

We ' re all glad that eddie ' s amongst the living 我們都很高興埃迪還在活人的隊伍當中

As the frequent fliers amongst you can probably tell 你們中經常坐飛機的可能都會說

Why there is conflict slander amongst the religions 宗教之間為何互相毀謗?

It occurs more commonly amongst young children 兒童感染此病的情況尤為普遍。

Positive isolation rates amongst different specimens 各類測試樣本的呈陽性比率

Information technology usage amongst household members 住戶成員使用資訊科技的情況

Spreading superstition and rumors amongst my troops 在我的部隊里傳播謠言和迷信?

A large proportion of these will be amongst women 他們中的大部分人將是婦女。

Oh , take this time to study amongst yourselves 哦,用這個時間你們在你們之間學習

The devil ' s loose amongst men in new york city 惡魔正在紐約城的人們中間肆虐

I mean , be amongst friends , where it ' s safe 我是說,和朋友們在一起,會比較安全

He was like a god walking amongst mere mortals 他就像一個上帝派駐人間的使者一般

Be the slowest to finish your drink amongst your friends 在您的朋友間飲得最慢。