
among 在(多數)之中,在…中間。 ★between 一般指“在...


We never quarrelled among ourselves . 我們之間從不吵嘴。

Memory is often faulty among the mentally ill . 精神病患者的記憶往往是有缺陷的。

I saw someone prowling around among the trees . 我見有人在樹林里鬼鬼祟祟地走動。

Tungsten is classified among the metals . 鎢歸入金屬類。

I rank her among the country 's best writers . 我認為她可屬全國最優秀作家之列。

Instead, electrons are shared among many atoms . 這樣,電子就為許多原子所共有。

These are among the hallmarks of china . 這是中國的特征。

He is comparatively wealthy among our classmates . 他在我們同學中是比較富裕的。

He had some ingenious men among his friends . 他的朋友中,有一些思想敏慧的人。

She was peering about anxiously among the trees . 她正著急地在樹林里東張西望。

Theology occupied the first place among the sciences . 神學則位于眾學科之首。

His speeches fermented trouble among the workers . 他的演講在工人中引起騷動。

The town nestles among the hills . 這個城市座落在群山之中。

There is a sudden movement among the factory workers . 工人群里突然有人在動。

Her neck kept getting entangled among the branches . 她的脖子老是被樹枝纏住。

There is too much dead wood among the teaching staff . 教師中尸位素餐者很多。

He got confused among the metaphors . 這些比喻把他搞糊涂了。

I number her among my closest friends . 我把她歸為摯友之列。

He has high prestige among the masses . 他在群眾中威信很高。