
amok adj.,adv.= amuck.


And , says mr dixon , if ever he got scent of a cattleraider in roscommon or the wilds of connemara or a husbandman in sligo that was sowing as much as a handful of mustard or a bag of rapeseed out he run amok over half the countryside rooting up with his horns whatever was planted and all by lord harry s orders “因此, ”迪克森先生曰, “只要風聞羅斯康芒或康尼馬拉原野上有盜牲畜者,抑或斯萊戈135農夫播種一把芥籽或一袋菜籽,彼即奉哈利王御旨,跑遍半壁鄉村,用犄角將所種之物連根掘起。 ”

In some cases , before even providing laboratory proof of the capabilities of their molecular - size creations , nanotechnologists have started to muse about whether infinitesimal robots will run amok and consume the planet 在某些情況中,奈米科技專家甚至還沒有在實驗室中證明這些分子級發明的功能,就開始憂慮超小型機器人會不會瘋狂亂跑、毀滅地球。

If that happened in the field she says wild oats might run amok in the western u . s . outcompeting native grasses with kudzu - like intensity . every gm crop power cautions brings its own environmental personality and its own risks 她說,這種情形如果發生在野外,獲得抗病毒基因的野生燕麥便可能以燎原之勢席卷美國西部,將其他原生草類逼得走投無路。

If that happened in the field , she says , wild oats might run amok in the western u . s . , outcompeting native grasses with kudzu - like intensity 她說,這種情形如果發生在野外,獲得抗病毒基因的野生燕麥便可能以燎原之勢席卷美國西部,將其他原生草類逼得走投無路。

That would be cruel and unfair to the animal , and the farmer would face the risk that it might run amok , making a mess of the field and eventually lowering productivity 這樣不但殘忍不公平,還可能惹得那頭牛亂跑,弄得一團糟,反而影響生產。

The moons chariot shall run amok in the zodiac ; the pleiades will burst into tears . none of these will return to the duty expected of it 月亮的戰車會瘋狂地走進黃道帶,昴宿星會爆炸成碎塊,不會回歸到所期待的責任上。

In the west , there seems to be a strong tendency over decades to view robots as something evil , like technology run amok 數十年來,西方似乎有一股強大的趨勢,將機器人視為某種邪惡的東西,像科技的暴走族橫沖直撞。

[ bbe ] sallu , amok , hilkiah , jedaiah . these were the chiefs of the priests and of their brothers in the days of jeshua 撒路,亞木,希勒家,耶大雅。這些人在耶書亞的時候作祭司,和他們弟兄的首領。

Sallu , amok , hilkiah and jedaiah . these were the leaders of the priests and their associates in the days of jeshua 7撒路、亞木、希勒家、耶大雅。這些人在耶書亞的時候作祭司、和他們弟兄的首領。

Sallu , amok , hilkiah and jedaiah . these were the heads of the priests and their kinsmen in the days of jeshua 尼12 : 7撒路、亞木、希勒家、耶大雅。這些人在耶書亞的時候作祭司、和他們弟兄的首領。

Sallu , amok , hilkiah , jedaiah . these were the heads of the priests and of their brothers in the days of jeshua 7撒路、亞木、希勒家、耶大雅。這些人在耶書亞的日子,作祭司和他們弟兄的首領。

Sallu , amok , hilkiah , jedaiah . these were the chief of the priests and of their brethren in the days of jeshua 7撒路,亞木,希勒家,耶大雅。這些人在耶書亞的時候作祭司,和他們弟兄的首領。

Sallu , amok , hilkiah , jedaiah . these were the chiefs of the priests and of their brothers in the days of jeshua 撒路,亞木,希勒家,耶大雅。這些人在耶書亞的時候作祭司,和他們弟兄的首領。

A man ran amok in the train yesterday ? he struck two railway staff and smashed several carriage windows 昨天一位男子在火車上胡作非為?他打傷了兩名鐵路員工,砸碎了幾扇車廂窗戶。

The program goes amok , and generally everything in read / write memory is subject to change without notice 程序的進展亂了套,讀寫存儲器中的任何內容都有可能發生無法預料的改變。

The field mice , lacking natural predators , have flourished in numbers and are running amok destroying nature 缺少天敵的田鼠們,繁殖、破壞起來自然”隨心所欲” 。

Some local restaurant owners say the bill is a sign of big goernment run amok 一些當地餐廳的老板說這項法案是政府管理太寬的一項表現。

The big male elephant is running amok in the village , tearing up the trees by their roots 那頭大公象在村里發狂,將樹全部連根拔起。

The humour of the gods had run amok 神的玩笑開得太過火了。