
amoeboid n.【醫學】變形蟲狀的,變形蟲似的。


Sponges have an irregular , asymmetrical body architecture ; there are two cell layers separated by a gelatinous mesenchyme containing amoeboid cells and skeletal spicules and fibers 海綿動物有不規則、不對稱的體制;二層細胞是由中間的凝膠狀的間葉細胞分開,內含有變形細胞(阿米巴細胞) 、骨針和纖維。

At the earliest developmental stage of the myxomycetes , the un - nucleate amoeboid or swarm cells of all the species are similar to each other in the aspects of morphology , structure and habit 在孢子萌發后的最初發育階段中,所有黏菌的單核黏變形體和游動胞在形態、結構和習性等方面均相似。

The result shows that the life cycle of all the species comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage , a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage 結果表明,生活循環均包括單核的黏變形體或游動胞、多核的營養體原質團以及形成孢子階段。

There are numerous amoeboid nuclei suspended in the organelle-rich cytoplasm . 在富含細胞器的細胞質中,有許多變形核。