
amoeba n.(pl. -bae , amoebas) 阿米巴,變...

Specific diversity of soil amoebae and flagellates in the national nature reserve of baishuijiang , gansu was studied based on the “ non - flooded petri dish method “ and the observation in vivo from february 2004 to may 2006 摘要2004年2月2006年5月,用“非淹沒培養皿法”和活體觀察法對甘肅白水江國家級自然保護區土壤肉鞭蟲的物種多樣性進行了研究。


Unless and until this instrument , that is created from amoeba to this stage , is connected to the mains you will not know yourself . you are not going to know your meaning , neither are you going to know the function for which you are created 同樣除非人類接上生命的大源,人類從亞米巴原蟲進化成人類,若不接上生命的大源,人類也不會知道自己是甚么,自己有甚么意義,自己如何偉大。

Thirty - five genuses of periphytic algae were observed , which seneara , stauroneis and mougeotia were dominant populations . sixty species of protozoan were observed , which amoeba proteus , actinophrys so , litonotus fasciola were dominant populations . 2 優勢種群為針桿藻屬、輻節藻屬、轉板藻屬;周叢原生動物60種,優勢種群為大變形蟲、放射太陽蟲、砂殼蟲、片狀漫游蟲。

Specific diversity of soil amoebae and flagellates in the national nature reserve of baishuijiang , gansu was studied based on the “ non - flooded petri dish method “ and the observation in vivo from february 2004 to may 2006 摘要2004年2月2006年5月,用“非淹沒培養皿法”和活體觀察法對甘肅白水江國家級自然保護區土壤肉鞭蟲的物種多樣性進行了研究。

Stanley t . lung , amoeba t . s . chang , 1986 , “ a computer - animated simulation model for station space design ” , international symposium on urban transportation , sponsored by crf / irf , taipei 張堂賢, 1986 , “運輸站平面空間設計自動化模式交談式電腦繪圖及動畫模擬技術之應用” ,電腦輔助設計研討會,中國工程師學會及土木水利學會。

A total of 84 species , including 2 unknown species and 23 new records of soil amoebae and flagellates in china , belonging to 2 subphylums , 5 classes , 13 orders , 32 families and 49 genera , were identified 共鑒定到肉鞭類原生動物84種,其中包括2個未定名種和23個國內土壤肉鞭蟲新紀錄種,隸屬于2亞門5綱13目32科49屬。

Usually , the next step up from bacteria in most food chains are protozoans ( such as amoebae and even microscopic crustaceans ) , and they are the biggest eaters of bacteria 通常,在大多數食物鏈里,細菌的上一層便是原生動物(如變形蟲乃至用顯微鏡才能看見的甲殼蟲) ,而它們就是細菌的最大食用者。

Usually , the next step up from bacteria in most food chains are protozoans ( such as amoebae and even microscopic crustaceans ) , and they are the biggest eaters of bacteria 通常,在大多數食物鏈里,細菌的上一層便是原生動物(如變形蟲乃至極微小的甲殼類) ,亦是細菌最大的食用者。

Usually , the next step up from bacteria in most food chains are protozoans ( such as amoebae and even microscopic crustaceans ) , and they are the biggest eaters of bacteria 通常,在大多數食物鏈中,細菌的上一層是原生動物(例如變形蟲甚至微型甲殼類) ,它們也是細菌的最大食客。

Zaha hadid ' s performing arts centre is an amoeba - like structure covered with a netlike window structure 世界著名設計師扎哈?哈迪德設計的表演藝術中心像一個科幻世界里的變形蟲,這個建筑的外面裝飾了網狀的玻璃窗結構。

Zaha hadid ' s performing arts centre is an amoeba - like structure covered with a netlike window structure 世界著名設計師扎哈?哈迪德設計的表演藝術中心像一個科幻世界? ?瘍? ? ? a這個建筑的外面裝飾了網狀的玻璃窗結構。

Naegleria fowleri amoeba 福氏耐格里阿米巴

It is entitled the amoeba 名字叫:變形蟲

Amoeba distributed operating system 阿米巴分布式操作系統

There ' s plankton , there ' s amoebas 這是浮游生物,這是單細胞生物

Amoeba or henpecked husband ? hey ? e one and the same ! 變形蟲還是懼內的丈夫?本是同根生!

There ' s a pool right next door ! it ' s an amoeba 隔壁有個水池,是變形蟲狀的

Love amoeba style 1997 mystery files 1996 金田一手稿之奇異檔案mystery files 1996

Cultivation , preservation and staining of free - living amoeba 保種和染色的再觀察