
amnesty n.1.大赦,特赦。2.〔古語〕故意忽視(某人的過失)。...

Faced with a serious situation , the then governor sir murray maclehose issues a “ partial amnesty . 當時的港督麥理浩爵士頒布局部特赦令。

As a so - called “ juvenile fellow traveler , “ she was granted juvenile amnesty 作為所謂的“青少年盲從者” ,她得到了青少年特赦。

So , look in me “ amnesty “ the hope is uncertain 所以,在我看“大赦”希望渺茫。


Faced with a serious situation , the then governor sir murray maclehose issues a “ partial amnesty . 當時的港督麥理浩爵士頒布局部特赦令。

I never applied for a green card or amnesty because i was afraid they ' d send me back 我從不申請綠卡或特赦。是因為我害怕他們會將我遣返。

Amnesty international considers him a prisoner of conscience and seeks his release 國際特赦組織認為他是一名良心犯,并尋求使他獲釋。

As a so - called “ juvenile fellow traveler , “ she was granted juvenile amnesty 作為所謂的“青少年盲從者” ,她得到了青少年特赦。

Independence day amnesty 光復日特赦

These were not sweeping amnesties and neither is the program proposed 這些人即非得益于徹底的大赦,也不是因為此計劃的初衷。

Independence day amnesty 光復特赦團?

Amnesty international has raised doubts about the fairness of the men ' s trials 國際特赦組織懷疑對3人審判的公正性。

The violence subsided in the 1990s under an amnesty program 在90年代政府采取特赦行動之后,南部的暴力活動逐漸平息。

A previous amnesty that pardoned only those who ratted on their comrades failed 早先的特赦僅局限于出賣了同志的人。

The independence day amnesty crew 光復特赦團

1977 amnesty international 1977年國際特赦組織

We were all at our wits end when the government announced the partial amnesty 特赦令頒布后,大家都感到不知所措。

Hksar government finds amnesty international report disappointing 特區政府對《國際特赦組織2 0 0 5年報》感到失望

On the origin of amnesty in china 大赦淵源考論

Carrie only listened as one who has granted a temporary amnesty 嘉莉只是聽著,就像一個暫時宣布了大赦的人一樣。