
ammunition n.1.彈藥。2.〔廢語〕軍需品。3.〔比喻〕戰斗手段。...

ammunition boots

Application of ammunition engineer simulation based on vrml technology 技術的彈藥工程仿真

- what kind of ammunition do you want ? - whatever fits ? ?你想要什么樣的子彈? ? ?合適就行

Interior ballistics model of duplex ammunition 雙頭槍彈內彈道分析模型

Firearms and ammunition amendment bill 1996 1996年火器及彈藥修訂條

Passive muzzle velocity measurement on spin ammunitions 旋轉彈丸炮口直線速度測定方法研究

Doppler velocity measurement of duplex ammunition 雙頭彈多普勒測速研究

Application forms for arms and ammunition license 槍械彈藥牌照申請表格

This letter gave her all the ammunition she needed 這封信給她提供了她所需要的一切論據

Crime of stealing or seizing guns , ammunition or explosives 盜竊搶奪槍支彈藥爆炸物罪

The soldiers were well equipped with weapons and ammunition 士兵們裝備好了武器和彈藥

A vehicle , enough weapons and ammunition to go north 一部車,到北邊去需要的武器和彈藥

Man charged with possession of ammunition without licence 警方落案控告男子無牌藏有彈藥

Supply trucks transport ammunition and construction parts 補給車運送彈藥和建設材料。

The soldiers ran out of ammunition and had to withdraw 士兵們的彈藥用完了只好撤退。

The troops ran out of ammunition and had to withdraw 這軍隊彈藥耗盡了而不得不撤退。

They had to meet the attack with very little ammunition 他們不得不以極少的彈藥應戰

Artillery , automatic gun and ammunition engineering 火炮自動武器與彈藥工程

They began distributing ammunition to the militia 他們開始把彈藥發給民兵。

Firearms and ammunition fee revision regulation 2006 2006年火器及彈藥費用調整規例